d/h home again


Active Member
crack that whip! people dont like it when you stick up for yourself, but they can get used it, and perhaps bring an improvement!


New Member
Glad to hear things may be starting to improve on the homefront! That's good news!!! Hopefully your husband will begin to seek help for himself!


Well-Known Member
Oh, so sorry the pastor didn't show up. I agree...no cake! LOL!
Also, be prepared to back up your threat of reporting him to the DYFS worker. It will happen sooner or later anyway.
You will like the AA mtings. Even if you go alone, you'll meet lots of people you like and you'll hear interesting stories that will put things into perspective. DO NOT bring your s-i-l!!!!!! Phooey on her! She's totally enabling him. You need someone who is an advocate for your difficult child and she is only hurting things.
Good luck.