I am still too sad to think what to say. Then, I am angry. Then, I am like...what to hay?
All I could think to say today would be that I wish it could all have been different for all of us. Then, I remember that it could always have been other than it was, but that my mom (and my sister too, now that we are having a look at our sisters) seems, not only to want all of our relationships to feel like they do, but to have worked very hard to see to it that we interact exactly as we do.
I think I still feel I should have been able to do this better. I think that if I'd been stronger, I would have said so the minute things went wrong instead of always trying to figure out how the wrongesses were somehow okay.
Are you going to write a letter, Serenity?
At this point in my healing, my letter would be an angry and sad and powerless thing.
That's how I feel, really.
I am not giving them the power to define anything about me in future.
I am thinking alot about the boundaries article you posted for us, and about letting go of outcome instead of forever wishing I'd done better and this hadn't happened.
Whether I did well or poorly, it is what it is, now.
Let go.
D H said last night that I need to admit who my family is and not carry responsibility for the things they do or refuse to do. He said he feels badly for me that it is what it is, but that I am going to have to make a decision to rise above it so I am not vulnerable to them, or to being sad about what I don't have, today. He means I need to see things as they are, and stop taking responsibility for what my mom or my sister do.
That what they do is on them.
That I would be able to let go of the shame of it if I could see it like: "Oh. F you, then."
And just to think that, every time I think anything about them at all. D H said that if they change, I will know. And that until they do change, I need to think: "Oh. F you, then."
I am working to come to terms with the sadness about the way I go "automaton" with my Family of Origin. With that understanding that they scare me so much that I learned to protect myself just to be with them. That is why I would never confront little wrongnesses. (That look huge to someone who isn't me.) For whatever reason, my mom is into contempt in relationship to everyone she is in relationship with.
So my letter would be: "Oh. F you, then."
That will be what healthy looks like. When I can know that in my heart, I won't have to go automaton. That is why we are doing the hard work we are doing here on the FOO Chronicles. Not to heal or change them, but to come real ourselves. It's been scary, but we did that.
You are kinder about your family than I am, Serenity.
That would be my letter.
"Oh. F you, then."
And I wouldn't even sign it Love, Cedar.
Let them figure out who sent it.
Okay. So, I know that wouldn't be a right thing.
I would sign the letter, then.
When I am ready to send a letter? That's what it's going to say.
And I'm never going to be nice to them again.
I get it that I sound like a little kid.
I feel like a little kid when I think about what they've done.
So...if I send a letter? It will be Postage Due.
Vengeance is sweet.