Just learning about detachment here and finding in my viewpoint with difficult adult children it is both external and internal. External meaning that I cannot have them living in our home with the choices they make. With that said there is so much internal work that I need to do to recover from my patterned response to try to rescue them when they call, as well as the damage control I need after initial contact-acceptance into our home, ensuing drama, etc., etc. I have after several years of this learned to try not to get too emotionally involved in the chaos. I often wonder if that coping skill also led to my downfall in allowing my adult children to return home, when clearly in retrospect they were not ready to make better choices and follow house rules. They have made a great initial effort, but have rapidly fallen into old habits.
It is difficult when grandchildren are involved, because the focus was on trying to provide stability for them, more than what their parents were going through. It must be equally hard to detach when the hardship is with minor children. My heart goes out to all facing issues with their children.
After nearly three weeks of an abrupt, chaotic, explosive departure with my daughter and three grandchildren in tow, I have reached an epiphany. All along, I thought I was coping quite well, but in reality, the scope of the mess has been literally, figuratively, spiritually killing me. I have spent hours scouring the internet trying to understand our situation, trying to learn. I have gone through an emotional roller coaster of ups and downs, and examined, reexamined history, myself, relationships,to try to come to grips with what has transpired through all of these years. I was physically sick and downtrodden for four days after the latest event.
I am no good to anybody if I cannot function. Loving detachment is necessary for my health and wellbeing. It does not mean I do not love my daughters and grandchildren. I love them. For now, with the choices they make and the life they choose, that love equates to prayers for them. I have no control over them, they are adults, they are responsible for their children.
Loving detachment for me, means that I must physically and emotionally separate myself. It means that I have to find the strength and the time to refocus on being self nurturing.
It is a long process, and I think it has different meaning for different folks. I think everyone has to figure it out in their own due time. The exchange of stories and thoughts that are expressed here in this forum have been very helpful.
Hugs to you, and I hope you are able to have some healthy me time away from the turmoil.
Just a thought, through my own experience- the "mystery money" to pay for things is alarming.