DGD diversion update


Well-Known Member
Well she must have made it to court yesterday. She now has an appointment tomorrow at 9am with her probation officer. So I still don't know what she will be obligated to do.

Today is her 24th birthday. Last night I offered to pay for one month of car insurance. She hasn't had car insurance for probably 15 months... Luckily, she wasn't upset because it wasn't cash... A lightbulb must have went off as she said that would be great! If I get a ticket for anything they could revoke the diversion and I go to jail.

Her OO is a female. As a teen she had a male officer. I am hoping a female might be less likely to be manipulated.

So more news tomorrow.



I think she’s going to get off easy. If she can stay out of trouble for two years, she can probably pay an attorney to have it expunged. The judicial system is over burdened. The jails are overflowing. All the detention centers in my city are under court order to reduce overcrowding. It’s my understanding that the problem is nation wide.

I hate to think what kind of life Alex would have without you. I hope his father continues improving. It sounds like he really cleaned up his act.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Crayola. You Ksm and your husband are the best thing that ever happened to Alex!

Hopefully more light bulb moments will go off for your granddaughter!


Well-Known Member
She just has to stay on track for 18 months, pay off about $2000 in fines, and follow rules of diversion and it won't be on her record. But, that is all up to her. Ksm


Well-Known Member
I still don't know anything about the terms of diversion. She saw judge on Monday, was told to see probation officer on Wednesday, then told to come back in on Friday for drug and alcohol assessment. And I haven't seen her since yesterday morning. I so wish they would put her in rehab and in jail If she didn't complete it.

I'm so tired of waiting for her to do the right thing. Ksm


Well-Known Member
She hasn't seen her child or contacted us in 48 hours. My son, her father was in town Friday afternoon. She had dinner with him, and he told her that today, his own dad, and her sister was in town to see her great grandpa who is on hospice care. He texted her, he called her. I told him all I do after that point is send a text and say, where you are at in case she wants to go. He drives back tomorrow to another state. She never contacted him.

Pathetic. Ksm

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