Hi PV,
I was the one that was advocating that getting his high school diploma was really important and to try to stick it out until May. However, that was when I thought he might just be smoking pot. From you latest posts, it sounds like things are really escalating and that he is involved in much more than smoking pot. At this point, I think you need to let the diploma go and focus on his need to rehab and a halfway house.
I was also the one that posted about having to go through the eviction process to kick out our drug using daughter. by the way, my daughter was really abusing prescription pills and alcohol along with pot. Unfortunately she knew the law (which had been shared with her by other drug users living with their parents) and refused to leave when we told her that she had to go. We called the police and to out shock they told us she was right.
They told us our only alternative was to get a temporary restraining order and then she would have to leave. To get that though, we would have to prove that she was a danger to us.
We finally were able to get her out when she forged a check on our account while we were out of town and we told her that her choice was to leave or we would prosecute. She chose to leave.
I would go ahead and send him a letter by certified mail that he was being evicted and then follow up with the court system. In the meantime, if you find drugs in your house, threaten to turn him in if he doesn't leave. That might make him go. If he threatens you, try to get it recorded on your cell phone so you have proof for the restraining order. Lock up all your valuables, too.
Once our difficult child voluntarily left our house, we didn't have to let her return. She came and parked in our driveway several times and wouldn't leave so we called the police and one suggested a temporary trespassing order which would make it possible to have her arrested if she refused to leave. He gave a copy to her and us and it is good for a year.
It was really hard for me to watch a police officer tell my difficult child she had to leave our property or be arrested. It was the impetus, though, for her to finally enter rehab and then go to a halfway house. She had to hit rock bottom and truly have no place to go before she was willing to get help. Even then, she went into the 30 day rehab program to "show" us that she didn't have a problem. The stay in rehab didn't miraculously make everything better but it did open her eyes to the fact that she was an addict and started her on the journey of recovery.
My heart hurts for you as I read your posts because I know the agony that you are going through. We, too, grasped at anything that we thought would work. I can't tell you how many hotels, apartments, and extended stay hotels we paid for knowing that she couldn't live here since she was stealing from us to buy drugs and alcohol. All we did, though, was delay the inevitable. We just provided her a place to go use drugs. I wish we had forced our hand years ago.
{{{hugs}} for you and your husband and for your difficult child, too. That little boy that you love is still in there.