PG, I am so thrilled for you and difficult child. This thread and your experience represented, to me, the best part of being a part of this "community" .......while you were going through your day yesterday, many of us were right there with you, waiting for each of your posts to see what happened, praying for you, holding your hand, soothing your worried heart, cheering for difficult child, (perhaps silently cursing out a-hole) walking through each step with you and knowing just what you were feeling because many of us have been in those exact shoes. I know when I read the post where she was finally safely tucked away, I could almost hear a collective sigh of relief from every Mom here. I think we all slept better knowing one of "our" difficult child's was safe and getting the help she wants and needs.
I totally agree that this was all fated, she was meant to be there and with her determination, your love and all the caring, supportive wishes of everyone here, your difficult child has a remarkable opportunity to turn her young life around. You did a fabulous job PG, I hope you get to rest now and just know that you rose to the occasion for your daughter and now you can really relax and find some peace. We are proud of you and proud of difficult child too. YAY!!!