I agree in the separation and the fed gov won't care or couldn't step in if they did on many of these things. I was thinking the parental rights, prisoners/juveniles' rights, and unlawful detainment start getting into the fed constitution though- oh- and I found that the feds get involved of abuse of power of law enforcement personnel/officials. I just don't know if this would be major enough for them to care though. I thought it might since the state Department of Juvenile Justice has had some bigger things come to light lately.
Anyway, if I could feel more confident that a detention reentry was in place in this area right now and they'd accept difficult child, it would be a lot easier to wait. Some kids sit over there for mos while a PO tries one placement option after another, for nothing. Some POs go to the funding committee to ask for something before even picking up a phone to see if it's a vaible option- that wastes a lot of time because it can take several weeks to get to a mtg with the funding committee. Then if it's approved, the PO checks with the placement to see if the kid is appropriate for it and if they have openings, etc. and many times it doesn't work so they start all over again. Legally, they really can't hold difficult child and look for placement like this since neither he nor I are refusing for him to come home. But for now, difficult child and I are trying to wait and hoping that someone inside the system catches on and says something to prevent one excuse after another to string this along as long as PO can.
My mommy gut is telling me it's POs intent to drag this out as long as he can then use a detention reentry, if he can get difficult child into one, to start all over again looking for another placement that gets difficult child into a job and independent living and difficult child is going to be devestated because people have used "going back home" as a carrot to dangle for so long, with no intention to back it up, yet blaming him on it when they don't. I can't see any way in the world he'll stay out of trouble under those circumstances.
I'm thinking more and more that I have to move again. We can't have a PO who has already destroyed his credibility and who appears to be either very incompetent or acting out of vengence.. I can't sleep but am dog tired- my emotions have been on a roller-coaster since Monday.
Another thing I'm thinking- since learning that it wasn't actually the director or someone from central office who notified Department of Juvenile Justice to hold difficult child until they determine another placement and that placement was now to be detention reentry- it was PO who called the Department of Juvenile Justice facility and said this came from central office- if PO stretched the truth on that some. The letter I got from director threw all this back on PO. They might have jsut sent PO a ltter saying it was up to him to get something in place and they were staying out of it but maybe they threw out some possible options or suggested he look into the detention reentry, without them thinking it thru or seeing if it was in place here yet. I don't know if they would be aware if it was already in place here or not.