New Member
Have a Difficult Child turning 26 who moved home again for almost 2 yrs and left under dramatic circumstances. Had to call pd because my loaded firearm was missing and he was being abusive and about to leave with it. All of his stuff (3 rms of it in a small house) is still here after almost a year that's gone by. He has nowhere to put it. It's everything he owns. I don't know where he lives. Think he's staying with friends or maybe a girlfriend. Have little contact with him. He is infuriated I called pd and refuses to admit he took the gun although they found it in his possession. I declined to press any charges. All holidays Mother's Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthdays are not acknowledged. Other OLDER Difficult Child is worse and I don't see her children. She steals from me. He texts occasionally and said he would try harder at our relationship but hasn't. Is secretive and blew a complete college scholarship because he wouldn't go to class. Now has 2 part time min wage jobs. He should have gone back to school while living at home but didn't hardly even work just hung out played video. I don't know whether to forget them both or keep trying with him. I've given up on her at 35 :-/.