Does my son have a dangerous obsession?


Well-Known Member
Oh, PS - yes, in a culture where people are shot daily with legally owned guns, I agree that playing with toy ones takes on a seriousness all of its own...


Well-Known Member
You can play anything with pretend guns and gags. My problem is using potentially dangerous props. Nobody here is against imaginative play. There is no need to use real rope to pretend to tie somebody up, for example. And in the U.S. Kids die every day from gunshots. The rope is dangerous...little kids do not get that rope can burn or kill. I say, hide the real rope and let the kid use pretend rope and then everyone will be safe aND still playing happily :)

Jmo ;) and I am certainly not suggesting therapy.
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Well-Known Member
Malika. I have always wanted a border terrier.

I met one only once, in San Francisco, and fell in love. It was one of those chance meetings that you never forget. I was in a photography store. *Maybe it was you.

I adored her the moment I saw her with her mother. And she? Rolled over on her back with her stubby little paws in the air to be rubbed (her Mom, proudly smiling yet a trifle embarrassed.)

She was a foster dog, that nobody wanted. How stupid is that?

Can you imagine? That was 10 years ago. I have never forgotten her. Border terriers are not that common a breed where I live. I could never find one.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't me, alas. I'd like to go to San Francisco :)

That's interesting - our border terrier also rolls on her back to have her stomach rubbed. There's a difference though - I'm not her mother ;)


New Member
I will stop the game but the toy guns are like little orange water pistols. They dont shoot anything and he does not watch ANY shows that condone violence or tying someone up. Perhaps he saw something in a kids programe or in school maybe?


Well-Known Member
the toy guns are like little orange water pistols.
I played with those. I loved them. They were the thing in the summers when would go to my grandmother's house (actually, the town where I live now--which during the drought can get up to 110 degrees.)

I think back so fondly to water pistols. Maybe I need one again during the dog days of summer.