From what I'm reading, he's very, very bright, very clever, and living something of a fantasy life - both in the sense that his life is like a fantasy to many of us and he has his own fantasy of himself as a thriller-novel hero. It's going to be very hard to get regular therapeutic help for him even if he agrees because kids like this run rings around typical therapists.
But maybe you can be smart and clever, too. This is going to sound a little off the wall, but what about reading the books he's mentioned, then suggesting that you will help him achieve his goal? Point out that even with his exceptional background, the people that hire mercenary heros expect some formal training. "Let's start with getting some testing to see where your strengths are and what areas you need to shore up" - then get neuropsychologist testing. Wouldn't hurt to get vocational testing, too, if you can. That will give you some valuable information you need. You may also be able to use that interest to talk him into one of the better wilderness programs or even a military academy type structure. ("Yes, I know that's what the program looks like, and I'm sure that's why other kids are there, but you'll know you're just getting the training you need to be able to go in the field later.") I wouldn't feel bad about being a bit manipulative yourself if it's in his best interest - that's what moms do
Maybe I'm totally off-base, but this is a very unusual sitation and I struggle to see how the usual advice can easily be applied.
Meanwhile, very seriously, if you are not seeing a therapist yourself, this is a good time to start. You need a - carefully chosen - sounding board who can help you keep perspective in a surreal world.
But maybe you can be smart and clever, too. This is going to sound a little off the wall, but what about reading the books he's mentioned, then suggesting that you will help him achieve his goal? Point out that even with his exceptional background, the people that hire mercenary heros expect some formal training. "Let's start with getting some testing to see where your strengths are and what areas you need to shore up" - then get neuropsychologist testing. Wouldn't hurt to get vocational testing, too, if you can. That will give you some valuable information you need. You may also be able to use that interest to talk him into one of the better wilderness programs or even a military academy type structure. ("Yes, I know that's what the program looks like, and I'm sure that's why other kids are there, but you'll know you're just getting the training you need to be able to go in the field later.") I wouldn't feel bad about being a bit manipulative yourself if it's in his best interest - that's what moms do
Maybe I'm totally off-base, but this is a very unusual sitation and I struggle to see how the usual advice can easily be applied.
Meanwhile, very seriously, if you are not seeing a therapist yourself, this is a good time to start. You need a - carefully chosen - sounding board who can help you keep perspective in a surreal world.