During this season do you have a fav way to give to others or a charity


Crazy Cat Lady
I was part of the Maine Coon Rescue Railway as we called it. I drove a few 100 mile legs as part of moving cats long distances to foster homes or forever homes.


Crazy Cat Lady
Getting older...

Squeaky just got over a dandy bladder infection a couple of weeks ago. She announced to me that she had a bladder infection by peeing all over the house, including in the middle of the bed, overnight. Antibiotics cleared that up.

Since Thomas had been coughing and wheezing for a couple of days and had an appointment in a couple days for that, I wheedled my way into bringing him along on Squeaky's urgent care appointment to save two trips.

Turns out HE's got a slightly enlarged heart, inflamed lungs, and had a lung infection. Don't want to put him on steroids for the lungs due to the fluid retention they cause, which can tip him over into heart failure, so put him on some super-antibiotic for the infection, which trashed his insides. Did clear up the infection.

He's doing OK, gradually slowing down, and the heart and lung stuff will gradually get worse, he's 13, so I just deal with medical stuff as it comes up, love on him, laugh when he gets a wild hair, and will j ust enjoy him as long as he's happy and comfortable and chooses to stay with me.

Squeaky is still in good health. Little energizer bunny isn't quite as energetic as she was at 4 when I got her, but still a busy cat who loves when I'm being insomniac as she gets mom to herself, and runs around like a maniac.
She's 9-10 years old

Thanks for asking. How're your crew doing?


Well-Known Member
So good to hear about your kids :)

My dogs are good Andy best friends. My poor kitty is in renal failure but we are keeping her as healthy and happy as we can
Right now She is doing well.

I am sad she is in renal failure. She is such a good cat...she was a rescue and isn't too old.


Crazy Cat Lady
Sorry to hear about your kitty. Renal failure is the #1 killer of cats right now. We've gotten so good at treating/preventing other illnesses that they are living long enough for their kidneys to wear out.

Thomas' kidneys are still OK, which is good as he will only eat dry food, which is weird as nearly all cats prefer canned food.

His bloodwork is actually pretty good, given his age. So far the only symptoms of his heart and lung issues are a slight heart murmur, slightly lessened endurance, and the occasional cough. He is not on medications for those now that the infection has cleared up.

He is arthritic, though, and is on pain medications as needed for that.

Squeaky just keeps on tootling along. Bloodwork is fine, etc. Only thing with her is protecting her remaining eye. ANY irritation/infection, etc., is an emergency. So far, so good.

Thomas seems to be slowly losing his hearing, but I am not 100% sure how much of that is selective hearing, LOL.

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