Every chance he gets...he uses


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oh, LMS, I'm sorry. I know you are heartsick and worried. I would like to slap your difficult child however. It is really cruel of him to disappear knowing how much you will worry.



Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the prayers and support.

Kathy, I AM worried sick! So incredibly anxious right now. Still no one has heard a word from him or seen him since he was in the hospital on Sunday. I have put a call into his new Parole Officer's office. I plan on telling her everything.

Update...PO just called me.
I have told her all I know. I think they will likely just lock him up again when they find him.
I told her he needed psychiatric help. She says their resources are limited.

I do not know what to think.
He was scheduled for a home visit today and PO plans on coming to our home and at least meeting me. This is a different PO than the one I originally met when I was first taking young difficult child to his PO visits.

I am sick about this whole situation. Please keep young difficult child in your prayers...pray that the powers that be will get him some help once they find him. Oh and PO said they will likely issue warrant for his arrest.
I so hope they don't just lock him back up in prison with no supports.



Well-Known Member

I am heartsick right along with you! I hope they find him and then get him into some kind of treatment as that is what he needs. The whole mental health/ criminal justice system is so messed up! It takes a lot of pushing on the system to get it to work and it is exhausting!! Here is hoping he is ok and that somehow he will come his senses.



Well-Known Member
I was a blubbering mess about an hour ago while talking to daughter in law and husband. husband called our easy child who came into my bedroom and layed down next to me holding me hand and reminding me of difficult child's choices along the way. She eventually even made me smile. I am so blessed to have her.

daughter in law may be filing a missing person's report.
Meanwhile, I am still waiting and praying.

PO should be here within the hour.
Thank you all so much again for being here for me.


Well-Known Member
Oh I am so, so sorry. I pray that he is found soon and gets the help he desperately needs... (((HUGS))) could he have run into someone he knows?


Well-Known Member
PG, Thank you.
I hope he is not with someone he knows as the only people outside of family would be drug related at this point.

Parole Officer just left a short while ago. She and I visited about what comes next. She mentioned us filing missing person's report asap. She also said a warrant would be issued. She said that she could have the "hearing officer" recommend a psychiatric Evaluation. I showed her the last text I got from difficult child where he basically stated that if something happend to him he did not want a funeral. She can see his suicidal tendencies there.

I told her that daughter in law was the last to see or speak with him and then I called daughter in law. daughter in law told PO that she thought young difficult child is likely at another hospital for mental issues...that he was likely transferred from the first hospital on Sunday after he had claimed to be there (at the first hospital) re heart issues for his pacemaker.

So now PO does not want us to file missing person's report and is not going to issue warrant for his arrest at this time because PO is going to act on the assumption that difficult child is in another hospital not just "absconded". PO said she was on her way to the last hospital difficult child was seen at and will show them her badge and try and get info from them. She said she may have to get a police officer to go with her as she wasn't sure they would show give her info otherwise.

I told PO that I will be getting a procedure tomorrow, under Anesthesia, etc. (Novasure and polyp removed) and that I would not be available to talk to her after noon tomorrow. But I did tell her that if she were to find out any info on difficult child that I would like a call.

I have calmed down some.
All I can do is hope and pray for the best.
I did recommend to PO that difficult child go to a halfway house after/if he is at a hospital and still get a psychiatric evaluation. once this is all over and he is found.

Please keep difficult child in your thoughts or prayers.
Thank you all so much,


Well-Known Member
So glad you are blessed with a PO who uses sense and caring. I'm still sending prayers your way. DDD


Well-Known Member
RE, DDD, PG and Esther and all,

I am home now. Very groggy from the Anesthesia. No pain though...

I have heard from young difficult child now. He was in a mental hospital. He is sleeping on the streets tonight but his PO is supposed to get him into a halfway house tomorrow. He said he was on 3 different medications.

I will post more when I am a bit more awake and know more from difficult child.

Thank you all for the good wishes, care, love, prayers and support.
You all are very dear to me.
Prayers, prayers and more prayers sweet friend. First and foremost, take care of you. Let the burdens go until you feel well enough to deal with it, and then sweetie, step back and let the natural consequences work themselves out. I am so glad J. is ok, but oh my, what a mess. I'm so sorry all this is still so much a part of your life and that J. cannot find his way. Don't give up hope Tammy, but promise you'll take care of you. Love you much!