Good Friday morning

pigless in VA

Well-Known Member
SO and I, a lifetime friend of mine, and Bingo are headed to the farm this afternoon. Monday is a holiday, so it will be a long week-end.

Ferb seems to be better at the moment and has completed college applications. He is back at school and work. My step-sister is in charge of the teens for the week-end.

Tomorrow night we are going wassailing. For the uninitiated, wassail is fermented apple cider. Wassailing is when you go to the orchard and perform chants to dispel the evil spirits. There is a fabulous cidery in the town near the farm, and they are sponsoring this peculiar event.

We had a terrible snowstorm last week-end, but it has warmed back up and now everything is muddy. I expect there to be some mouse carcasses in the farmhouse. We have an influx of the tiny critters, and I put out a lot of poison before we left last time. I hope my friend isn't scared of mice.

What are your week-end plans?


Roll With It
Ice-Mageddon Is Here! NOT!!!!!!!!

Schools ALL closed for a HUGE ice storm that was supposed to hit last night. So far, not even a drop of rain. Even the University that almost never closes, is closed today. :fellforit:So I have both of my guys home with nothing to do. I wonder if I can make them clean? I doubt it. Sigh.

I do want to go see my mom if I can. She went to VA on Monday to pick up a friend. This friend and her pets are moving in with my folks to go to grad school in a few months. The cats are moving in early because they are elderly and the packing and moving process will be extra hard on them. So instead, they get to come settle in early. It is odd, but I have not met the friend. She is the daughter of someone my dad taught with, and is finishing her 20 in the Navy. I think she is my age, and has been a close friend of my folks for most of that time. But every time she visited, I was either sick or away (not living here).

Other than that, nothing fun this weekend. We had our fun this week. Hubby's birthday was this week and his dad, stepmom and sister came down and took us all out to dinner. Took 2 days to recover because we had to climb 2 sets of stairs to our seats, or wait another hour to eat, but dinner was a blast. I even had them sing to hubby, which got the staff and ENTIRE restaurant involved. But he got free ice cream!

My sister in law is a TOTAL riot. She retired last year and has discovered the joys of coupons. It is tooooooo funny to hear her talk about it. She wanted to know if 6 cents was a good price for cat food. She is feeding a feral stray at her church and it was her turn to buy the food. She had coupons and with a sale, got them down to 6 cents per can. I laughed and said YES! This is the same woman who looked at me like I had 2 heads when I pulled out coupons to use back when Wiz was little. But most of the domestic, household stuff I did made her look at me like that back then, lol! It was so funny to hear her talk about coupons now, and so sweet. She gets all kinds of things and often donates them through her church to families that she knows need the things she cannot use. Apparently she has enough eyeliner to give every girl in her church going to prom a new one, plus to have a year's supply for herself.

How much eyeliner do you use in a year? I don't really wear makeup, and never used that much eyeliner as to need to buy a year's supply? Surely more than 4 would be plenty? replacing every couple of months for germ reasons would be enough unless sharpening a pencil does that, in which case a pencil could last a long time, couldn't it? I don't think I am up on makeup trends.

Enjoy your Wassailing!!


Well-Known Member
It is Sub zero here today, but to work I go. I am canceling plans to go to a meeting Sat. and will just cozy up and watch football with hubby. Go Falcons and Packers!!!

Actually, I feel very humble and downhearted here today because of blackgnats son. It is the same sadness I felt when learning about KLMNOs son. Brings me to tears for the poor family. Not many words...just feelings.


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
I feel very sad for our loss here on the forum today also SWOT. I was afraid to open the post actually, hoping it meant something else.

Husband coming home from a work trip tonight and just hanging out this weekend. Fire, wine, and maybe see a movie. Relaxing.


Well-Known Member
I think Susiestar and I live in the same general area. We're supposed to be hit with the storm by 11 and everything is closed...the Governor has issued a state of emergency. Annnnndddd.....nothing yet. lol

But I was just told I could go home whenever I like. I'll probably be here a while longer. It is supposed to get bad. It'll be kind of funny if nothing happens at all.


Well-Known Member
I have a brother in that general area, who lives on a rural property. He called yesterday, telling me to fill up the bathtubs with water and all that stuff, but we are north of the ice storm path ( though it could switch paths, I guess).

We are going roller skating with the homeschool group after lunch, and I am making turkey tetrazzini for supper with my turkey leftovers, and going to get a few items that are on sale at a particular grocery.

Watching a movie with daughter tonight and going to bed by 10, as usual. Going to get my hair done in the morning.

This weekend is suppose to be cold with freezing rain. This will be the first weekend in a while that hubby isn't going hunting! Yes! We will be at home most of the weekend, watching the playoffs and trying to stay on our diets!



100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
I remember filling up our bathtub with water when we lived in Houston and a hurricane was coming. Honestly no matter how clean my bathtub is, I could never drink that water!!


Well-Known Member
I remember filling up our bathtub with water when we lived in Houston and a hurricane was coming. Honestly no matter how clean my bathtub is, I could never drink that water!!

It's just for flushing the toilet, and basic washing.


Well-Known Member
I remember filling up our bathtub with water when we lived in Houston and a hurricane was coming. Honestly no matter how clean my bathtub is, I could never drink that water!!

I had to laugh win I pictured you scooping water out of the bathtub with a drinking cup!


Well-Known Member
Why would the water be out? Electric, now that could be out and if that happens Jabber and I will hole up in the master bedroom and stay warm as long as we can...then take the pups and kitty cat and see about a hotel. We haven't had too many power outages in our area for some reason. Maybe because most lines are buried?


Well-Known Member
Why would the water be out? Electric, now that could be out and if that happens Jabber and I will hole up in the master bedroom and stay warm as long as we can...then take the pups and kitty cat and see about a hotel. We haven't had too many power outages in our area for some reason. Maybe because most lines are buried?

Sometimes well water has electric pumps.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm home in my grubbies with my feet up and a cat in my lap. Had to scrape ice off the windshield at 10:30. This is supposed to last most of the weekend.

Scent of Cedar *

Well-Known Member
No ice storms for us, though temps have been so cool that we haven't needed the air on and the doors are wide open. Today, I'm planning to wash the car and then, finish painting the front porch. I am keeping myself in a Zen state about all this washing and painting...but maybe, the Zen state I should be striving for here is calm acceptance of the car and the porch, just as they are.


Be safe, everyone.


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