Good morning, friends


Well-Known Member
I start sweating as soon as I see the women dressed up in all those skirts, long sleeves and brocade - I don't know how they can make it through the day with the heat.
Have you ever actually TRIED it?
It's on my next sewing project list... I even have the fabric for a lighter cotton dress. And I'm really looking forward to wearing it in the heat of the summer (that should be "heat" of the "summer", as most years we don't get much of either, but... we can see individual days over 100F)

Zone Defense

New Member
Good night.... I'm a bit slow on the uptake because today was rather busy! I had my birthday party last night, my birthday is on Wednesday. Great fun with the most wonderful friends in the world!
Today was beautiful here in Missouri. So I tore the old torn screens off my screened in back porch and replaced them. My dad is a carpenter, and I'm a daddy's girl. Tools in my hands are always healing for my soul.
I also watched The University Of Alabama's spring game. I'm a lifelong fan. My dad is from Alabama, I think it may be genetic so... ROLL TIDE!!!!!
The kids and I made a list of weekend "goals". they don't know I've renamed chores :vacuumsm:
They listed things like laundry, kitchen and such but also added watch a movie, bowling, and eat burritos. So... we did some cleaning, got Qdoba, and watched a show.

Over all, it was a great day!
I love this! It helps remind me that I have other things happening in my life besides drama.


Well-Known Member
So...back to Menard's.

I really like Menard's! Did they use the computer software to lay out your kitchen so that you can see it on paper?

I am going to re-do my kitchen (if we decide to stay). I want an all-white kitchen. Possibly slightly off-white. And quartz counters. They are fairly inexpensive if you go lower-end and more durable than most other options.

What color are you going to stain your cabinets? What type of counter tops? What color?

Did you use the same lay-out or are you going to change it up (other than putting in a full-sized gas stove?



Well-Known Member
Did they use the computer software to lay out your kitchen so that you can see it on paper?

I am going to re-do my kitchen (if we decide to stay). I want an all-white kitchen. Possibly slightly off-white. And quartz counters. They are fairly inexpensive if you go lower-end and more durable than most other options.

What color are you going to stain your cabinets? What type of counter tops? What color?

Did you use the same lay-out or are you going to change it up (other than putting in a full-sized gas stove?

Yes, they used the software. We're using the same basic layout. We considered moving some things around, but the sink really has to be under the window and moving other things just didn't seem worth the effort in the end. We are adding an island.

I wanted a white kitchen...until I saw the cabinets up close. I've come to the conclusion I like painted white cabinets, that still show some character and wood grain, but I don't like the ones that we could afford - with the "thermofoil" white coating over them. I do like the ones that are more rustic and glazed. But everything adds to the cost and we're going as inexpensive as we can without going "cheap" if you know what I mean. We're going to put a higher-end laminate countertop...stone really isn't "right" for our price range of house anyway. But we haven't bought those yet...might look around.

We're not staining the cabinets at all, just varnishing them. We like the rustic variation in the wood. Except the Island, which I'm going to paint, and it will have a butcher-block top.

The cabinets are hickory. They'll look a bit like this when they're done:


Well-Known Member
Oh, I love the hickory cabinets. They are my favorite, after the white/off white cabinets.

I don't care for the Thermafoil either.

I found that the lower-end quartz was about the same price as the better laminates, at least at this Menards.


Well-Known Member
Oh, lol, just thought of something funny that happened this least, I thought it was hilarious.

Our son (who would live his life indoors if it were possible to teleport from one building to another) heard Jabber and I talking about our plans for Saturday and asked what we were doing. My response, "We're going to get up early and go to the property to hike in the woods and hunt for mushrooms. We'll be leaving at 9. Want to go?"

He looked at me for a moment, then said, with a perfectly calm and matter-of-fact manner: "That sounds horrible."

So...we know where to go now to get away from him. LOL


Crazy Cat Lady
Well, I rent, so am stuck with my kitchen, which is tiny. I do like your kitchen cabinets, Apple.

I got up around 7:30. I had a mug of tea to get my engine started. Then I went to take a shower, caught my foot in the tub mat, and landed on my behind in the tub.

Now, I am the woman who doesn't take baths due to my left knee being so fried that I have a very difficult time getting up out of the bathtub. It's been a few years since I've taken a bath, in fact.

So, here I am: on my sore tuchus, trying to figure out whether or not I can get my lgs under me and pull myself up on the soap rack. I somehow managed to get up, but it was a real process, especially as the left knee no longer bends enough to tuck under me.

Managed to pull something in my right shoulder in the process as well. No other damage than that to my tuchus, which is bruised, and my knee, which is complaining mightily.

I just gave in and fed the knee a tramadol, so hopefully it will quiet down soon.

Other than that, I have to go to WM to pick up some OTC stuff and that's about it.

Have to vacuum. Between Thomas' orange hair and Squeaky's brown and black hair, my tan carpet is turning tortoiseshell. I also need to clean my kitchen, but am trying not to think about that.


Well-Known Member
He doesn't like the outdoors?

Hates it. Always has. Hates the heat, hates the bugs, hates sweating, you name it. Other than SCA events, we only took him camping once, so maybe it's partly our doing...but he didn't like it. Didn't like fishing. Liked bike riding a little bit, but kind of outgrew it. Give him a computer or video game system and he's in heaven. He's talking about getting this job holding a sign by the highway??? I told him I'll get him a #50 sunscreen, because he is just albino white with his dark hair and eyes. Palest kid ever.

No other damage than that to my tuchus, which is bruised, and my knee, which is complaining mightily.

So glad you are okay!!!


Crazy Cat Lady
I don't like heat, and bright sunlight hurts my eyes. I've also got all the characteristics of a redhead but the hair, so burn horribly.

I still love the outdoors, even with my physical limitations and allergies.

Before my husband became too ill, we were in the SCA, camped at events, camped on our own, hiked all over Europe, walked everywhere in Chicago, fished as much as we could. My husband also hunted deer, known as "winter meat".

I do NOT like "video games" other than word games and the like. The ones with movement on the screen, like shooters, give me migraines.

The irony? When I first got back from Germany, I got a job with a startup gaming company. I was manager of support and QA. I had to game every, single, stinkin' day!

husband loved gaming, but it wasn't an addiction. I was glad we had the game systems once husband became more ill. They took his mind off his discomfort, kept boredom at bay, and kept his mind sharp


Well-Known Member
Good morning! I'm starting back to my first day of work after my spring break and I will be with about 80 difficult children until I get to go home. But, it will only be about eight of them at a time and their instructional aides will be there to help. We've all had our breaks and the first day back is usually kind of a hot mess. The kids have to adapt to being back in school and there's lots of elopements and meltdowns, and I'm hoping I don't get hurt because some of them really hit, scratch, and pinch hard. I hope I've brought enough different activities (you should see me when I arrive at a school--loaded down with equipment and I look like a pack mule) that I will be able to keep most of them on some type of task. And if all that fails, I have my bubble machine and that's always 99.9% successful, as long as I can keep the kids from drinking the bubbles or picking up the machine and throwing it and breaking it. I'm on my third one in 2 months.

My daughter, the mother of difficult grandson, has really hit the skids, lost another job (every three months, like clockwork, she gets fired from her job as a dental assistant for being late, disorganized, and slow). She's so fantastic with the patients but the dentists have to make a living to pay her, so the day before she is due to start getting her benefits, they fire her. She's depressed, has no insurance to get back on her medications, and she is barely functioning. I'm so afraid she will start using again and I'll end up on two forums.

Sigh. Monday.


Well-Known Member
I don't like heat, and bright sunlight hurts my eyes.

My husband also hunted deer, known as "winter meat".

I do NOT like "video games" other than word games and the like.

I have to admit, I am not big on the outdoors. I like growing vegetables, but not flowers and "gardening". I like taking a walk in the woods and camping and such - but SCA camping is a whole different beast than a tent and sleeping bag, we bring actual beds and chairs and such! :D I'm not a fan of heat. All in all, I enjoy it when I'm doing it, but I'm lazy enough that once I'm sitting in a chair in front of the TV, it just seems like too much trouble.

Jabber hunts. We had venison stew last night for dinner. :D

I'm also not a video game person. I like it okay if I'm winning. For instance, I once played beginner level using a high level character of Jabber's and I could just walk around killing things and nothing could really touch me. That was fun. But having to die and start over again and again makes me want to hurl the thing out the window. So I don't play. Jabber enjoys them. I doubt our son would ever have had a video game system if it weren't for Jabber. I do like the Wii Sports package...I like sword fighting on it. Jabber laughs at me because I get closer to the TV as I'm else are you supposed to push your opponent off the platform? LOL:sword:


Well-Known Member
I told him I'll get him a #50 sunscreen, because he is just albino white with his dark hair and eyes. Palest kid ever.
Sunscreen won't be enough. Especially as it has to be re-applied every 2 hours.
He needs long sleeves, high neck (like old-fashioned t-shirt round-neck), and a good hat. PLUS high-strength sunscreen.


Well-Known Member
I marked it funny because he'd then die of heatstroke. (Or at least claim he would.) He'll eventually tan. Sunburns aren't good for you - I know, skin cancer etc. - but I'd be dead a thousand times over if they were always fatal. He's been warned. He'll survive.


Crazy Cat Lady
Beds? Geeze, the SCA has gone really upscale since the 70s. Of course, now I see there are loads of armorers and costumers, etc., and its big business.

I honestly don't think I'd enjoy the SCA these days. I also think I couldn't afford it.


Well-Known Member
I don't really like gardening or landscaping.

I like the end result, of course, fresh veggies, so I put in a garden.

I like the end result of a neat and orderly yard, too, so I do my yard work, but I keep it minimalist as possible.

I don't do flowers (other than a few in pots) and I don't do foliage that I have to put a lot of effort into. Sorry guys, but free flowing chaotic gardens of flowers would drive me nuts. I want my house as easy maintenance as possible so that we can do other things.

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