i was thinking the same exact thing actually this morning. thanks. i don't know why the first 4 to 5 days on seroquel was rough, very rough on her and i kept her home from school. yet once it got into her system she was sleeping, eating alot, doing homework, smiling, enjoying life just not at the pitch she is at now. she truly enjoyed her summer that summer. i hate that it deadens some of her funny and animated ways she's soooo beautiful, yet i was thankful that she wasn't sad, or angry or up and not able to sleep. she was a little duller, yet like hte dr. said to me "Jen i dont' care how she presents to her teachers, i care how she feels on the inside, that's waht it's all about, making her comfortable to experience life".
ok shes still out. it's almost 12. i think i'm keeping her home today my little pumpkin. sound asleep with kitten in her arms. wow so cute.