G'day, people.
Sharon/LDM, sorry to hear about your cousin's son. I hope you enjoy the time with your sister and her baby, though. I have a funeral to go to tomorrow as well - an old lady who has lived in the village for sixty years. We expect the place will be crowded.
Smallworld, sounds like a very jumbled time for you. I'm jealous of J - we loved our visit to Greece (this time of the year, too) about 19 years ago now.
WFEN, sounds like a busy day for you today. I hope the therapy works. And as for what to do with the kids - maybe we need to develop a special thread as a resource, on ways to keep kids occupied productively during the holidays!
TM, sounds like a very busy cleaning day for you. I hope the weather is kind for you. I hate cleaning during extreme heat.
Sharon/Wiped, I'm glad you got your iPod sorted out. We love ours, especially on long car trips. We bought an iTrip and then loaded up the iPod with all our favourites. And husband searched the 'Net and bought MP3 files of some old favourites from the radio show days, so we can now listen to all the old episodes of "The Shadow" and the Stan Freberg Show while we're in the car for a long trip. We also download podcasts from our radio networks.
Fran (from yesterday) - those bites of yours could be chiggers, I hope not though. I found chiggers itched a lot more than mozzie bites. They did go for the tight places in clothing, though - bra edges especially. I picked up a load when digging out an old cage which had been on the ground for some time. The bites - they had a red dot in the centre which got scratched out very early on. If it is chiggers then avoid that part of the yard for a while, send in someone well-protected to spray the area then leave it for a week or more. And when gardening, wear a strong insect repellant (DEET type) because that will work for ticks & mites as well.
We had to send difficult child 3 to school (back when they had the tick plague when he was 6 or 7) with supplies of repellent and all the kids had to wear repellent or not go outside at all, for a couple of months. If the repellent will keep ticks away, it should also work for mites.
Enjoy your Wednesday, everyone.