Beta, Joshua's mean words affect you and behavior are part of substance abuse. And you are affected emotionally when he gets into trouble because of how much you love him. Addiction is a family disease. Everyone is mentally involved when a loved one suffers from this evil disease.
I think you would find Al Anon comforting and you only speak if you can just listen. I was afraid to go at first. I didn't want to tell Kay's story out loud to strangers. In due time I shared what I felt safe sharing and was never judged. And in time nobody there was a stranger.
I was told to give the group six times before I thought of not going back. Well, I did and the rest is history.
This disease, which hurts us all so much, is in my opinion impossible to do alone. Maybe not impossible but I would say most can not do it without the support of people who understand. Most do not.get it. And isolating is in my opinion a very bad idea leading to ruminating over our addict And our own deterioration.
Pot. The CDC says that pot can be addictive and harm the brain and I have seen it with Kay. Pot has caused many brain problems with her...memory deficits, strange thinking, meanness.
Do whatever you must for YOUR recovery, not his. We can't do anything for them but there are resources out there that we can use for us.
If we want our sick loved one to seek help, why would WE not seek help? If we don't do it, why should they?
At any rate, maybe try Al Anon six times like I did. You never know!