Help! My son is smoking pot.


Well-Known Member
helpangel, sad thing is, many people don't "believe" in mental illness. Yes, in this day and age. And even in the US. It's sick. A lot of those people who don't "believe" in mental illness are in the justice system so mentally ill inmates are made fun of and often not seen as sick, just bad.

While people would never make jokes about people who are afflicted with, say, cancer it is common for even nice people to make jokes about the mentally ill.

Maybe one day, they will get it.

Trust me I'm voting. I expect my guy to lose though.


New Member
Hi Helpangel
This issue of trying to get rid of the "high" really burns me. If it's OK to have negative side effects with anti psychotics and anti depressants, why isn't OK to have positive side effects?


Active Member
The research is so patients will have a choice, not to change the composition of the whole plant species. Currently even if its the only medication that helps (example) say an air traffic controller this is not a job you could legally do high, even residue in their system from day off would become a big legal issue if a mistake was made on the job.

I myself would probably need to take medications for sleep, anxiety and depression without the side effects. Funny thing is I rarely get high from it; its more like I do it to feel normal (whatever that is) ... anyway my stomach won't handle the pain medications for my back and doctors don't give injectable pain medications to go; just as well I don't like needles (I also have no interest in becoming addicted to opiates again)

For me it became a quality of life issue and benefits outweigh the risks but this being a parenting forum I usually avoid the topic here in fear of a teen using my words to justify getting high. In my eyes its prescription medication and kept locked up with all the other medications because its not for my teens!