Another quicker route to some mental health care is to go to your local emergency room. Tell them what you've told us. The drinking - the crying -inability to get out of the house, etc. I believe that they would prescribe you something until that January appointment.
I hope the job situation works out for you. That would be a first great step.
As 'comforting' as the alcohol is temporarily, I'm sure you're aware that it actually is a depressant. And while it offers temporary relief - in the long run it's only making your emotional state worse. Please consider that.
As I shared early on - my daughter was in a program for 16 months. I went back and forth between the conviction that she was where she needed to be and the overwhelming urge to hop on a plane and bring her home. Honestly, it was my husband that kept me from bringing her home. So I certainly understand the tug and pull you're experiencing.
I had to learn to let my head prevail (my intellect, my factual understanding of my daughters situation) over my heart (my emotions, and the horrid feeling of having abandoned her). In these incredibly difficult times of life, sometimes we have to really depend on our good common sense and try to quiet our hurting heart.
If it makes you any more at ease - our daughter is home and doing fine. She's not perfect. But, she's alive. She's happy.
I still don't know about the whole idea of institutionalizing our kids - but I do know that we were not able to parent our very troubled daughter. No family has those types of emotional, mental and intellectual resources.
Hang in there. Come here often. It really helps.