Just an update...the last week of school was last week, and SS refused to go almost every single day. And he didn't go the last day of school. He threw a fit and bio mom caved in and let him stay home. The plan for the summer is for him to stay home with his older brother during the day. A camp for troubled kids has been suggested by his therapist, but he says he won't go unless he gets to come home every evening, so I don't think the camp will be happening, because his mom won't make him go. So far this week, we are told he spends all day in his room on his laptop playing video games, from the moment he wakes up until bedtime. He is not showering or brushing his teeth and eating junk food all day long. He weighs over 200 pounds now. husband and I are supposed to have him for 30 days this summer, from mid July until mid August, but I don't want to do it. I am filled with fear and dread. Because husband is working second shift and lots of overtime, to include Saturdays. So he will be sleeping part of the day and then going to work. He won't be here the majority of the time and I don't think it is fair that I have to deal with SS for 30 days. He is not my child, visitation is for him to spend time with husband, who will barely be here. But I know I won't have a say so in this, I will have to deal with the 30 day visit. Ugh.
Prayers appreciated.