How to get a 504

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New Member
My difficult child is transferring schools as of the 4th and final quarter. I was told that I needed to talk to them about getting a 504 in place ASAP (she acts out, sometimes aggressively when she is challenged, defied or frustrated).

How do I do this?


In order to get the ball rolling you need to send a request for an evaluation to the Director of Special Education for the school or district via registered mail. This established a time frame in which they have to get evaluations going and respond to you. I know my school district has this form on their website. Yours might too. If not then write a letter, but most definately send registered mail.

Having a 504 in place does not guarantee that the school will adhere to it and it gives you no legal footing if they do not adhere. If your child is in need of and qualifies for services an IEP is best. The school has to adhere to it and can be challenged legally if they do not. A 504 is a consulation usually given when a school does not want to spend money on the services a child needs.


New Member
I don't think a 504 is designed for the behavioral/emotional issue you face, and an IEP would be required to provide any protection - say against expulsion on behavior grounds. A 504 is more for accommodations like a ramp where walking was an issue, or certain assistive devices etc. The question is really whether or not your daughter's behavioral issue (a) is in a category listed in the relevant law (IDEA), and (b) has a significant adverse impact on her learning.

There is a lot more to it, but jal is right that a letter to the new school's director of special education - or to the principal of the school she will attend - is the way to start the process. Elsewhere on this site are sample letters. Certified mail will provide proof of delivery at less cost than registered mail. Do note that your daughter will have to be available to the school representatives/evaluators for them to do anything, so timelines wouldn't start until she was so available - and you had provided proper written authorization.

In terms of immediate protection, there seems to me little or no value in sending (or hand delivering, the method I prefer) the letter before she enrolls in the new school.


I agree. Go for the IEP. If for some reason your difficult child doesn't qualify, you can always fall back on the 504.

There are sample letters in the Sp Ed Archives if you need one.
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