I can finally update . . .


Well-Known Member
Kathy....everything you are doing is perfect. You let the interventionist guide you and enjoy life. difficult child has to miss family Xmas and it has to be bad...it has to be 'the Christmas that she was in rehab' or whatever she will refer to it as. She has to be able to look back on this time in 10 years and know it was BAD times. No worries. Just relaxing times for you. All the 'bad' is on difficult child now. Turn it over to her. She is in a place where she can take it now. Even if it brings her down now is the time. Best now for her to have all the bad things come down on her while she has this support.


Just wanted to add my support and prayers that your daughter is learning coping skills to control her addiction. Don't know how long she was using opioids but using IV is not a usual start usually progresses from snorting or smoking. I am glad she is in a residential and hope you all can relax and enjoy your time together. Take care peace rita


I always thought mine would "snap" out of it, too. You are definitely not the only one. And as we have all seen over and over, they have to be ready or it simply isn't going to work...

Prayers that your daughter gets it this time...


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity...has difficult child remained on the Abilify she had been taking or did she go off of it and then the Heroin use discovered? Is she taking any medications now? And what is she being dxd with?



Well-Known Member
Staff member
LMS, she was still taking the Abilify when we discovered the heroin use. Ironically, she kept telling me that the Abilify was really working and she felt happier and calmer. Any yet, she was using heroin and drinking.

I don't know what medications she is currently taking. We sent her medications to the treatment center but we haven't talked to her therapist there yet. She has also only signed a limited release so I don't know how much they can tell us.

As far as a diagnosis, again her age and privacy laws work against us. The only thing that I have seen in writing is the release from a psychiatric hospital which had mood disorder not otherwise specified and alcohol dependence on the release form. I am sure that she also has a personality disorder, too. She fits the borderline personality disorder profile to a tee.

The therapist is supposed to call us soon and talk to us. This week she is in what they call immersion where she cannot talk to anyone.

Thanks for asking.



Well-Known Member
That's unfortunate that the Abilify wasn't really working the whole time.

Hopefully the Dr's reach the correct diagnosis and are able to REALLY help difficult child feel better.
Keep us posted,



I'm hoping the call from the therapist gives you concrete info. It's tough when they get of legal age yet still act like they are 13-15. It's a dilemma....

Wishing you some peace and joy for Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Kathy I am really looking forward to hearing exactly what is going on. I know it is none of my personal business but I have gotten pretty attached to your daughter and I really want to her to get well. I guess I am sort of living what my life could have been life as sort of a "there but for the grace of god go I" sort of thing. And I wonder why it wasnt me. What makes me so darned different. Or lucky.