I did it!!!!!! She is IN custody!!!!!


You did the right thing. Don't allow yourself to worry about whether or not she will get to keep the baby. Just know that the baby is being protected NOW from her drug use.


Well-Known Member
I put a call in to my court contact this morning. She told me sometimes she is in court and it may take a couple of days to hear back from her - but that is fine. I know difficult child cannot go anywhere. No bond when you violate. :)

I am trying to find out if she has a plan for difficult child or if it is my responsibility to set up rehab. I have paperwork for the rehab for expectant mothers but we need medical tests done for it so I need to wait until I hear from her. I may have to bring them the paperwork.

I was so drained last night. I slept hard and I feel a bit renewed today. I know right now, the baby is safe. M told me that she had been cutting herself again. Well, she can't do that being locked up, either.... I told him this is a good thing. I told him to take this time to get his own act together and prepare for that baby coming...


New Member
Amazing! Don't worry about the baby going into the system. There are so many steps first.
My sons bio lost five kids, one by one due to her drug use and still got to take Q home because she was being monitored and then when got preg, went into treatment. He WA with her for seven months.

Hopefully she can be in a sober mommy program to learn parenting skills and have support for her sobriety.