New Member
This is to Stella - and the rest - I can really relate also. My difficult child 2 is only 5.5. She doesn't know any cuss words, thank God, but boy can she throw "I hate you" around and "I never want to talk you again", stuff like that. She throws anything within reach, too. The other day she picked up the TV remote and it hit a glass cabinet, it chipped the glass and both batteries came flying out of the remote! I flipped my lid. It's so hard for me to keep myself under control all the time. Oh, yes I spank or if she has thrown a shoe I'll slap her hand, If she has yelled I'll gently slap her face. I don't beat her or anything but there are so many times I reach my limit with her. THEN there is the guilt of what I have done, and I can hardly live with myself! I become depressed and cry myself to sleep at night. When I put her to bed all I want to do is hold her, rock her and pet her and tell her mommy is sorry, and she will tell me the same. I get so full of shame for my behavior, for how am I to be a roll model when I lose it?
There are times that I dobt if I'm the best mom for this child, that's how bad I get! But I know she was brought to us for a reason and I really have to get a handle on this and deal with my own inadequacies and let things slide and know she is angry about something and get to the bottom of her anger and not make things worse by sliding my issues in on top or hers. I have to focus on her and what it really bothering her, it's all about her, not me.
There are times that I dobt if I'm the best mom for this child, that's how bad I get! But I know she was brought to us for a reason and I really have to get a handle on this and deal with my own inadequacies and let things slide and know she is angry about something and get to the bottom of her anger and not make things worse by sliding my issues in on top or hers. I have to focus on her and what it really bothering her, it's all about her, not me.