I was feeling hopeless...now I am just furious...


Please...you. need to get her to any kind of facility. I would drug test her yourself, then you know what your dealing with...u don't want t her in withdrawals while unstable.

She is on a path of her own destruction...but be cause of her age....you have to intervene...she is it seems mentally unstable, young and affected by drugs.

I don't have the answers either...but YOU don't deserve or can handle this..no parent can.

Hugs and support...hope you get the help soon.


Well-Known Member
Has she stated suicidal thoughts? If so you may get her residential help for that reason. After my daughter pulled a knife on herself, the police took her to a teen mental health facility for three weeks. She did not improve once she got out, but those three weeks at least gave us respite. And your daughter may get help that sticks. You dot know. All kids are different.



Well-Known Member
From your signature I see mother is bipolar. My son became mentally ill around the same age as your daughter; his birth parents were mentally ill. There is often a hereditary component. Can the psychologist be called upon to hospitalize her/to bring her to the County Mental Health inpatient facility?

This happened with my own son last year. He visited a psychiatrist we have known for many years, who was concerned and brought him to the County mental health intake point, and my son remained there for a few days, and could have stayed longer.

I would call the psychologist today, bring her/him up to speed about what has been happening, tell her what you think needs to happen, and request her help. I do not see how a psychologist can meet with a teen who is likely injecting hard drugs, out of control and unsafe and conduct business as usual. Would it be helpful to request a session for you to meet with the psychologist separately?


Well-Known Member
she is it seems mentally unstable, young and affected by drugs.
need to get her to any kind of facility. I would drug test her yourself
I agree with mof. Entirely. She needs a facility. Any safe facility will do. This is an emergency. This may be more than drugs.

The drug tests are easy to get and easy to use. Walmart has them. What you need is a multi panel test. We got one with I think 4 or 5 panels, or tests, for meth, opiates, marijuana and cocaine. We bought online and they were very cheap. Like 2.50 each. We got 4 or 5 in a package.
be cause of her age....you have to intervene...
You must. This is not only an issue of a non-compliant, "out of control" teen. She is acting in a way where if not stopped she likely destroy her life. And she might be self-medicating symptoms of a serious mental illness.

I would call the psychologist now. I would go to the school and ask for the drug enforcement official, the dean of students and the principal. I would ask for an immediate, emergency IEP, with the rationale she is mentally ill and her current placement is not meeting her needs; I would go to the district attorney and the probation offices, and ask for help. I would go to child protective services. I would go to the Department of Mental Health in your county. They will have a Drug and Alcohol Department.

But first I would test her.


Crazy Cat Lady
Ok, things have been strange. I believe Difficult Child is paranoid... It has been going on since she came home this morning. Mostly worried about all the undercover cops in our neighborhood... Just about every car was an undercover cop! We live in a quiet neighborhood...there is hardly ant traffic.

Plus, before she came home, she said she was with a friend, but he was trying to hand her over to the police, and she got away from him. Then another friend saw her walking and gave her a ride home.

Tonight, she has kept the lights off in the house and looks out windows and says she saw someone in our back yard, or people walking down the alley with flashlights.

I know paranoia is common with some drugs...

I am hoping that things are better in the morning.

I hate to say it, but THIS sounds very much like a methamphetamine comedown. AND, that kind of reaction is much more common in people who inject the drug, than it is in people who smoke it.


Well-Known Member
She has asked to go on antidepressants again. She has agreed to go to our local mental health agency. They won't make her an appointment with out her coming in for an assessment with a professional.

This is what our insurance has told me I must do, also. Plus it is probably what the court will require... They only do this on a walk in basis. Today it's from 11 to 3. After the visit from the foster care / family preservation person.

I am also going to ask her psychologist in the city near us to refer her to a psychiatrist... In our town you can only get mental health medications from a nurse practitioner.... Who works under a psychiatrist in another city. And even with the previous DNA testing it can still be hit and miss.

She is less paranoid today. She did ask if I found out what the police was doing in our neighbor hood. I showed her two articles...but they were further away...and they got the suspect and didn't have to search for anyone.



Well-Known Member
ksm. What about drug testing, and depending about the result advocating for her to go to a detox facility and entering into a residential treatment facility?

In some ways this is an opportunity. Because she is still underage you have a great deal of control that the rest of us lack.

My own son's issues occurred after he was 18 and I could not make decisions for him. But he has several times gone to residential treatment under my insurance. It is not difficult to secure entry. They need be only referred by a psychiatrist.

You can ask your internist/family doctor/pediatrician to refer her for a drug test at a laboratory. You do not even have to tell her what it is for, I do not think. If it turns out she might be bipolar they may need a comprehensive blood test, in order to medicate her.

I would ask the physician to refer her for a multi panel drug test as well as a CBC, a complete blood panel. I would then go armed with this to the psychiatrist.

Good luck today.


ksm. What about drug testing, and depending about the result advocating for her to go to a detox facility and entering into a residential treatment facility?

In some ways this is an opportunity. Because she is still underage you have a great deal of control that the rest of us lack.

My own son's issues occurred after he was 18 and I could not make decisions for him. But he has several times gone to residential treatment under my insurance. It is not difficult to secure entry. They need be only referred by a psychiatrist.

You can ask your internist/family doctor/pediatrician to refer her for a drug test at a laboratory. You do not even have to tell her what it is for, I do not think. If it turns out she might be bipolar they may need a comprehensive blood test, in order to medicate her.

I would ask the physician to refer her for a multi panel drug test as well as a CBC, a complete blood panel. I would then go armed with this to the psychiatrist.

Good luck today.

I agree...u can call the rehab your insurance covers and request them to a facility. We had to wait until he was in a ward...he was an adult, but they treated him like he had no choice. He requested a closer place to home, they said no....he accepted....


Well-Known Member
Ins company just tells me to go to mental health place or hospital ER...and do an assessment. We did this two years ago and ended up in an awful place 200 miles away. They kept her for 3 days and just sent her home to see local mental health people.

It's a vicious circle. I won't send her to the same place...and if the hospital suggests it and I don't, then I could be charged with medical neglect.

The appointment with Family Preservation went well. We will meet with them Tuesday after court for a case plan.

Getting ready to take her for the walk in assessment ...and hopefully see nurse practitioner tomorrow. She has seen her before and they have her DNA testing for medications report there.


I do appreciate all the advice, but where I live we don't have all those options.


Crazy Cat Lady
The issue with-drug testing is that meth is in and out very quickly; so she could have used a few days before and still test clean for meth.

Meth is also dirt cheap, long-lasting, and VERY available.


Well-Known Member
ksm. I believe she is old enough or almost old enough for Job Corps which is a free, residential job training program that houses and feeds young adults while they get excellent trainings and finish high school. My son went there. They accept young people with issues, and with disabilities. She would have to go to a center which would be relatively far away. Which might not be a bad thing. We were lucky and my son was maybe 3 hours away.

Why not check the website out? Lots of kids go with the same sort of issues that your daughter is dealing with. It is kind of like a softer military, without the guns and the war. And you end up with a good trade, and hopefully more mature.

They really supervise well. I do not have one bad thing to say about it.


Well-Known Member
This is a short description of Job Corps I copied:

Job Corps offers free education and vocational programs, administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. The programs are designed to help ages 16 to 24 get a better job, earn more money and take control of their future. Each year approximately 62,000 students take advantage of the Job Corps training.


Well-Known Member
We did the walk in assessment routine they required to be seen. We're there for three hours. I thought we would be able to make an appointment with the nurse practitioner for medications. Nope.

Today we have to to another walk in assessment for medications. They said to be there at noon to be assured of getting to be seen between 1 and 4. Then, after seeing the nurse, and getting medications, we might be able to make future appointment. with their therapist who specializes in drug and alcohol...if the nurse refers us.

She did open up and admits that here usage of meth is more than she had led us to believe. I left the room, so she would feel more free to discuss details. Afterwards, I was brought back in. I need to call family preservation and have them talk to the therapist who did intake.

They will be the ones making recommendations to the court for treatment. ..

The paranoia is gone. So that is good...we discussed her behavior and she knows now what she was doing...

I will ask Fam Pres. If they ever refer to any in patient treatment places... I have not found any ones on my own that were options or affordable or covered by insurance.

Hoping we are on the right track. She has missed so much school...and if I get her there I have to pick her up halfway thru.




School is a secondary worry, her health is first. She may not find ish when you thought, good she was you t hi k honest to therapist?

Keep walking thru red tape and demanding help...you are strong and doing everything in your power.

Prayers and strength to you


Well-Known Member
Ok, this might be too much information, but daughter came down stairs, dressed and fix some breakfast. After she ate, she wanted something for a head ache, so I sat out a couple OTC pills. While standing there, she had urinary incontinence. I thought she meant her panties were just damp. Nope. There was a puddle on the floor.

So back upstairs to bathe and change. Now she is afraid to go to school...that it might happen again. She is not having any pain or symptoms.

I tried googling if this is a side effect of meth...I find other people have asked that...but mostly men...I can't find info that says its related.

Anybody ever hear of this??

Will leave in an hour to head back to mental health place.



Crazy Cat Lady
It's more likely to be a side effect chemical residues left from the manufacture of meth. It IS however a sign of ketamine abuse. Ketamine damages the bladder with chronic use. (It is most often snorted)


Well-Known Member
Ksm. How is it going? What happened when you went back to the mental health place? How is your daughter doing? How are you doing?


Crazy Cat Lady
Well, I'm glad to hear it hasn't happened again. The bladder damage from heavy, chronic ketamine use is usually quite painful as well. It is also incurable.

It is a very desirable psychedelic amongst certain personality types. I've never used it recreationally, but was given it IV as part of a surgical prep while in Germany. I don't like it AT ALL. It's a disassociative hallucinogen, and disassociatives terrify me. Especially as that's something I fight against on and off anyway.

Ketamine is still used in vet medication and AFAIK, is still used in humans medically as well.


Well-Known Member
We got Rx for hydroxyzine and Lexapro. But it was late Frisay and pharmacy wasn't open today. Will start on Monday.

On Thursday and Friday I thought we were doing good. She seemed upfront with the assessment person and the nurse practitioner.

Then today happened. She just hasn't been willing to do anything. Then lied about working on her room. When I checked, 6 hours later, nothing done at all.

On Monday we see her old high school counselor and re-enroll for regular school when the new trimester starts in 3 weeks.

Tuesday we go to court. The appointed guardian ad liter wants to see her 15 minutes before court. After court, we meet with DCF and Family Preservation to go over case plan.

Wednesday, appointment with new therapist for drug issues,

Thursday, drive 60 miles to see regular psychologist.
