He needs professional help. It's difficult, because he is old enough to refuse help, but young enough that you are still responsible.
When it comes to drugs, you cannot stop him from using them. However, this is YOUR HOUSE. Because you are legally responsible, you can set and enforce a rule that there are no drugs and nothing associated with drugs in your house - period. It sounds like he still has a little bit of respect for you. Use it - for your sake and for his. He needs to understand the consequences of his actions on you and your home.
Would he consider a therapist? It would HAVE to be a male therapist, ideally one who has extensive experience with young men. No other therapist could reach our teenaged son.
Does he have access to a good family doctor, presumably male? If so, can this doctor talk to him about the options available for anti-anxiety medications, and the benefits of that over using drugs?
When it comes to drugs, you cannot stop him from using them. However, this is YOUR HOUSE. Because you are legally responsible, you can set and enforce a rule that there are no drugs and nothing associated with drugs in your house - period. It sounds like he still has a little bit of respect for you. Use it - for your sake and for his. He needs to understand the consequences of his actions on you and your home.
Would he consider a therapist? It would HAVE to be a male therapist, ideally one who has extensive experience with young men. No other therapist could reach our teenaged son.
Does he have access to a good family doctor, presumably male? If so, can this doctor talk to him about the options available for anti-anxiety medications, and the benefits of that over using drugs?