First I want to address Janets phone call shocker and add - JUST one time I wish when people like that called they would start off with Miss Star - DUDE IS FINE - not in trouble - I'm his PO - but I need some help. I HATE that rug out from under you feeling and would like for them to know what that feels like. It would be like them having a child in the hospital and calling them at work and saying in a grave voice 'Are you the parent....(dramatic pause) of So&so....(deep breath?) then exhale....(dramatic pause) wait for answer then in your squeekiest high school girly voice perk up and go "Oh okay because I have a catalog for his high school right here and would like to get your opinion - silver or gold tone?" ugh. Jerk...yeah.
With regards to a pathalogical liar and a sullied last name. I have a few thoughts I'll share, maybe none of which will make you feel any better, maybe some of which will. They're pretty scattered tonight. Here goes. My x was a pathalogical liar. For unknown reasons the man could look at a red square, then at you, then at the square and say "Would you like to have a green circle?" Uncanny. There was no benefit in it for him, for you, or for the circle. This went on for reasons unbeknown to me our entire marriage over trivial things, over huge and life threatening issues. By the time I figured out that the man was mental, manipulative and psychopathic? I had a child and tried to stay for his sake. Huge mistake all the way around. When I left him? I made friends with a man who was a schizophrenic - but to my credit was already two years into very intense counseling. The odd thing was they psychopath found the schizophrenic to be the bigger liar. I told you - my life is nothing short of amazing. Watching the two of them in a room talking was a sight to behold. The interesting thing was they had told the majority of their lies for so long they believed what they were saying. Even when it came down to someone almost loosing their life over the lies? They stuck by their stories to that person - but would admit later to someone else - they lied. Just incredible. What I know now about pathalogical liars is there is no rhyme or reason for what they do and even if you call them on it at a very young age consistantly, minute to minute and at that very second? They will still continue to lie.
As far as dirtying your family name? Ah..yes, well - exhale. (laughs) - expletive, expletive...sticks out tongue - I'm so glad the rest of you standing around watching the ambulance and the police and the circus in my yard have no stones to throw - so go back to your glass houses..shows over....passes hat....(when you ask for money they all leave). I told you before. I've been so embarassed that I could tape a maxi pad on my forhead and waltz through a Walmart on a Saturday afternoon and not be phased and I mean it. I - ME - MYSELF and I - haven't tarnished my name. I know at the end of the day when I come home? It's between me and my higher power as to what went on with me and my kid and if the rest of them don't like it? (Go see line #2 and pass the hat) It's on him hon....I begged my son to take my maiden name. I didn't want him to keep his bioslobs name. I even discussed it with the therapist and they agreed - it could help him not feel connected to that part of his emotional being. For a while Dude did and THAT is when he drug my Father's name through the mud....twice....around the bend and back again. My Mom was livid. She had given him permission as the Matriarch of our family to have it. Then he ruined the gift. So he took his name back. Well....he ruined that one too - but couldn't do that one any worse than my x had - but when I stopped and thought about it? Even when he told the school I beat him, burned his clothes and bookes or was it threw his books away and burned his clothes - I went to school and faced them all - I told the officer as I walked in the office - "At 5'9" with a boxing career, weight lifiting, and body building back ground - and at 260 lbs at the time - IF I HIT HIM....BEEEEElieve me - there would be a mark. I have NEVER touched my child....then I handed her ALL his books, and showed her his clothes which were packed for the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) we prearranged and loaded him up and took him elsewhere than home."
People that know you - KNOW BETTER....People that don't? If they take the time to get to know you? WILL KNOW BETTER. People that either don't know you, won't take the time to know you, or never will? Wouldn't know anyway - so defer to line #2-3 in paragraph #3 and....pass the hat.
I never met you - and I like you. I never met you and I think you're a great Mom. I never met you and I would have coffee with you, go shopping with you, let you cry on my shoulder, listen to you if you had a problem....I think you're neat. AND....just because......I'd even bring my OWN bloody hat....and I'd hold it out....for anyone that felt OTHERWISE.
I've also been known to drop my pants and moon people too....but since I gained weight and went to anger management classes - I would just pass another hat.
Possibly a chappeau, since you are French.
Hugs -
Alls anyone of us every really wants is to be respected and understood...