Malika, since I had been on medication myself, before Sonic was given any, I was well aware that medications are necessary for SOME people (I am one, Sonic is not, J is a ???). But I also knew it could take YEARS before the right medication combination could be found and that medications can make things worse if the person is given the wrong medication. And you are right. It's not an exact science. Neither is any sort of diagnosing. J. may not even have ADHD. He may have something else. Until there are blood tests, it's just the diagnostician's best guess. And, as you probably noticed, diagnostic standards are different even country-to-country.
It is never a good sign if medications make somebody more irritable or aggressive whether it is the first day on the medications or the twentieth. My own personal experience is that if a medication amped me up the first day, by the second week I was usually a manic mess or even near toxicity. There were medications I could not even trial because they were so bad for me that I couldn't handle their effects...some of my side effects included hallucinations.
If you want to keep J. on Straterra for a month, go for it. Now if you see him getting worse and worse, I would consider that it is not good for him. Although this is hardly scientific, I have been on this board for years and only remember hearing of one or two cases where Straterra seemed to be helpful. Please do chime in if you have had a good experience with Straterra! In real life, I know of many, many kids diagnosed with ADHD and none doing well on Straterra. I could be WAY wrong, but in my limited experience I have not heard about it being affective. If any child has a predisposition to a mood problem, both stimulants and antdepressants can make the child meaner and worse, ADHD or no ADHD. J. is kind of young for you to know if he is prone to depression or another mood disorder, but he may be and that could make him overly sensitive to these medications.
I don't really believe that any medication alone changes behavior. It has to be coupled with other interventions. The medications I am currently on changed my life for the much, much better and it took about ten years to find them. However, I still have setbacks and need regular therapy to remind me how to control my tendency toward negative thinking and my tendancy toward getting overly emotional. Usually you have to attack these issues on more than one front.
I think you are a very good mother to this cute little boy. I trust that whatever you do it will be in his very best interests.