New Member
Interesting and timely thread, I was just going to post a simlar question. Whatamess, I want to extend my arms to you in a gr8 big hug. It seems you've been doing a gr8 job holding it all together for the past 10 yrs and now need "ME" time.
I have experienced some of the same things as you in the past few years. My ds was fine during the baby yrs, preschool was a bit challenging in that he just "didn't get it". He knew letters, colors, numbers and such but didnt enjoy the "work" part of it. His coloring skills were atrocious and he still has some motor skill issues. I have endured the 3 hr struggles over homework. At the end of 2nd gr I had the school test him for Learning Disability (LD). He was diagnosis'd with severe reading disability. He is going into 4th but reads on mid 2nd gr level. His writing is crazy. He has an IEP and goes to the resource room for help in all reading/writing activities and testing as well. It works. He can keep it together and I don't believe he is BiPolar (BP).
I am still wanting a full neuropsychologist evaluation and think you should also get your ds tested for Learning Disability (LD) and other things if you haven't already. There may be an underlying issue associated with his anxiety. We recently started w a therapist and he diagnosis'd him with ADD.
My question is this: Is there ANY medication I can put him on that is not going to possibly have the side effect of an irregular heartbeat? He has heart issues already and I am scared this might literally kill him!
Thanks in advance for any/all advice.
I have experienced some of the same things as you in the past few years. My ds was fine during the baby yrs, preschool was a bit challenging in that he just "didn't get it". He knew letters, colors, numbers and such but didnt enjoy the "work" part of it. His coloring skills were atrocious and he still has some motor skill issues. I have endured the 3 hr struggles over homework. At the end of 2nd gr I had the school test him for Learning Disability (LD). He was diagnosis'd with severe reading disability. He is going into 4th but reads on mid 2nd gr level. His writing is crazy. He has an IEP and goes to the resource room for help in all reading/writing activities and testing as well. It works. He can keep it together and I don't believe he is BiPolar (BP).
I am still wanting a full neuropsychologist evaluation and think you should also get your ds tested for Learning Disability (LD) and other things if you haven't already. There may be an underlying issue associated with his anxiety. We recently started w a therapist and he diagnosis'd him with ADD.
My question is this: Is there ANY medication I can put him on that is not going to possibly have the side effect of an irregular heartbeat? He has heart issues already and I am scared this might literally kill him!
Thanks in advance for any/all advice.