Melatonin question

you guys are so lucky my son takes 2 adult benadryl and 1/2 .1mg clonodin every night and he still doesn't sleep sometimes it's so frustrating don't want to intrude on someone else's post but i was wondering if anyone has ever had their difficult child on a prescribed sleep aid and what our psychiatrist is reluctant and so am i but he can't stay on benadryl forever i'm gonna try dropping a benadry this weekend last time he didn't sleep at all


Well-Known Member
Many adhd kids do not sleep on benedryl, but have the opposite effect. I cannot give either of my kids that, because it makes them bonkers. Missy is nasty for at least two days AFTER stopping the benedryl. Have you tried Melatonin? That may be better than the benedryl.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lothlorien</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Many adhd kids do not sleep on benedryl, but have the opposite effect. I cannot give either of my kids that, because it makes them bonkers. Missy is nasty for at least two days AFTER stopping the benedryl. Have you tried Melatonin? That may be better than the benedryl.</div></div>yeah it had no affect whatsoever


I have two boys...9 and 12 and they take 5mg each night and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. there doctor has said to increase it or give them benadryl but im just gonna keep it how it is for now. besides a straight up sleeping pill, i dont know what else to try. sometimes my 12 year old will sit up all night long.


New Member

i've tried melatonin for us it does not work. nor does chlonidine anymore for little difficult child. now it's just well i give her the chlonidine and i'm guessing it assists somewhat. i have heard valerian root is good as well. the natural food store does have alot of different natural remedies for sleep.


New Member
I haven't seen a lower dosage tablet available.

We have 300mcg...which is .3mg. Got it at Walmart a few months ago.

I have heard you need to be settled down in bed, ready to go to sleep, within 30 minutes for it to work. As we've seen here on the board, everyone responds differently to medications, supplements, etc.

I've also learned most supplements take several months of consistent usage before you see a difference...again, I think it depends on the individual.



New Member
Have you thought of using an herbal lavender spray and/or massage oil? These can be great remedies. I have a spray, bath salts, candle and massage oil with lavender and other soothing herbs that help calm the spirit through aromatherapy. My difficult child asks for it when she's having a hard time sleeping.