Well-Known Member
No parents are perfect. All make mistakes, often bad one. Just divorcing, as I did, damages any childs security.
But most adults, almost all coming from an imperfect place, are good, productive people. Child Abuse is sadly rampant.
Anyone read the book 'A Child Called It" by David Pelzer? Read it!! Abused physically and emotionally, starved, his mother stabbed him and made him drink bleach, foster care with many nightmares. That was Daves childhood. His father never helped him. His brothers joined in the abuse.
At eighteen he joined the military. He never broke the law. He helps foster kids now. Yes, he had problems which he discusses in his books, but he did not ever get an apology and nobody protected him yet he never did the degree of stuff our priveledged difficult adults did and do.
An inborn personality also determines if we can handle our parent's mistakes. They all make mistakes. And DNA also determines how we chose and ARE ABLE to deal with our imperfect childhoods. As adults WE choose.
I dont really buy that because we did A then.B will happen to our grown adults. People in similar situations do not grow up all to do the same things.
I had abuse. Plenty. I had a sensitive but fighting nature. I wanted to do better than I was told I was. If my family had apologized for scapegoating me it would have made me so happy at one time but they turned it on me. I was the bad infant, the bad child, the bad adult etc. The bad seed for the entire sick family.
So I moved on without them.
Certainly it affected my self esteem for a long time and my ferling of worth but I jumped into counseling and improved on every level without an apology. Heck, i received just the opposite, that it was my fault. But I did not decide that becauseIi had a bad family card I would break the law, have crazy sex with anyone, use drugs or forever choose men that abused me. I WOULD not self sabatage.
I am just one person. David Pelzer is lightyears above me and he is one person. But the point is, our adults are choosing to live rotten lives and it is not because of us. None of you had challenging parents? Most all of us had some trauma to face.
Copa I cant blame you for your sons choices. He was lucky to have your unconditional love and good guidance about being an adult. In his own head and DNA he decided not to take your advice. You didnt cause it.
I reject the old fashion psycology of cause and effect. Psychiatry is an inexact science with a lot of theories that change faster than the latest cell phone choices. Its not like math, which can be proven. The truth is, David Pelzer, per psychology, should have been a gangbanger or serious criminal. He never was. He is not alone. He was a severely abused child and is a good man who refuses to even spank his child. He learned from his abuse.
And many adults who had so much love repudiate that love as adults and become criminals. DNA. I think this matters more than what we do to them while parenting. Maybe we gave birth to a child with a bad person in high school then dumped him and married a gem. The child still has 50 percent of this discarded boyfriend's DNA in his system. Always. It affects how he reacts to everything, his level of resilience and his mental stability.
I think we need to remember that within these imperfect, unprovable psychiatric theories one plus one can equal three or ten. There is no exact way of predicting how a human being will react to his or her life experiences. That in my opinion is necause of the nature nurture thing. Its not mostly in my opinion about nurture. It is but it is also nature big time.
I raised five kids although one did not come until six and that time lapse mattered. All are very different. I have a dreamy emotional pastry chef and a no nonsence corrections officer and the sweetest, kindest autie son on earth. I have a brash, confrontational biological son who carries my genes and is far more like my family of origin than the rest of them. My FOO including me can be stubborn, hardheaded, anxious and confrontational. He is my most difficult adult on some levels. Yet he is smart as a whip and does support himself and is anti drug.
I do believe in DNA.
Until psychiatry is provable, we dont know why our adults are as they are. And why five adults raised in the same home with the same parents can be so different.
We dont know. It is pointless to blame ourselves or laud ourselves for what our adults accomlish. They deserve the blame/credit. They did it, not us.
We are seperate people and we decide who we want to be within the gifts and limitations of the cards we are given.
I think we are all souls that chose our life lessons but wont go there on this forum
i have another one for my deep spiritual beliefs 
Anyhow, dont be so hard on yourselves. Those of us with more than one child can verify that one plus one doesnt equal two in child rearing.
But most adults, almost all coming from an imperfect place, are good, productive people. Child Abuse is sadly rampant.
Anyone read the book 'A Child Called It" by David Pelzer? Read it!! Abused physically and emotionally, starved, his mother stabbed him and made him drink bleach, foster care with many nightmares. That was Daves childhood. His father never helped him. His brothers joined in the abuse.
At eighteen he joined the military. He never broke the law. He helps foster kids now. Yes, he had problems which he discusses in his books, but he did not ever get an apology and nobody protected him yet he never did the degree of stuff our priveledged difficult adults did and do.
An inborn personality also determines if we can handle our parent's mistakes. They all make mistakes. And DNA also determines how we chose and ARE ABLE to deal with our imperfect childhoods. As adults WE choose.
I dont really buy that because we did A then.B will happen to our grown adults. People in similar situations do not grow up all to do the same things.
I had abuse. Plenty. I had a sensitive but fighting nature. I wanted to do better than I was told I was. If my family had apologized for scapegoating me it would have made me so happy at one time but they turned it on me. I was the bad infant, the bad child, the bad adult etc. The bad seed for the entire sick family.
So I moved on without them.
Certainly it affected my self esteem for a long time and my ferling of worth but I jumped into counseling and improved on every level without an apology. Heck, i received just the opposite, that it was my fault. But I did not decide that becauseIi had a bad family card I would break the law, have crazy sex with anyone, use drugs or forever choose men that abused me. I WOULD not self sabatage.
I am just one person. David Pelzer is lightyears above me and he is one person. But the point is, our adults are choosing to live rotten lives and it is not because of us. None of you had challenging parents? Most all of us had some trauma to face.
Copa I cant blame you for your sons choices. He was lucky to have your unconditional love and good guidance about being an adult. In his own head and DNA he decided not to take your advice. You didnt cause it.
I reject the old fashion psycology of cause and effect. Psychiatry is an inexact science with a lot of theories that change faster than the latest cell phone choices. Its not like math, which can be proven. The truth is, David Pelzer, per psychology, should have been a gangbanger or serious criminal. He never was. He is not alone. He was a severely abused child and is a good man who refuses to even spank his child. He learned from his abuse.
And many adults who had so much love repudiate that love as adults and become criminals. DNA. I think this matters more than what we do to them while parenting. Maybe we gave birth to a child with a bad person in high school then dumped him and married a gem. The child still has 50 percent of this discarded boyfriend's DNA in his system. Always. It affects how he reacts to everything, his level of resilience and his mental stability.
I think we need to remember that within these imperfect, unprovable psychiatric theories one plus one can equal three or ten. There is no exact way of predicting how a human being will react to his or her life experiences. That in my opinion is necause of the nature nurture thing. Its not mostly in my opinion about nurture. It is but it is also nature big time.
I raised five kids although one did not come until six and that time lapse mattered. All are very different. I have a dreamy emotional pastry chef and a no nonsence corrections officer and the sweetest, kindest autie son on earth. I have a brash, confrontational biological son who carries my genes and is far more like my family of origin than the rest of them. My FOO including me can be stubborn, hardheaded, anxious and confrontational. He is my most difficult adult on some levels. Yet he is smart as a whip and does support himself and is anti drug.
I do believe in DNA.
Until psychiatry is provable, we dont know why our adults are as they are. And why five adults raised in the same home with the same parents can be so different.
We dont know. It is pointless to blame ourselves or laud ourselves for what our adults accomlish. They deserve the blame/credit. They did it, not us.
We are seperate people and we decide who we want to be within the gifts and limitations of the cards we are given.
I think we are all souls that chose our life lessons but wont go there on this forum
Anyhow, dont be so hard on yourselves. Those of us with more than one child can verify that one plus one doesnt equal two in child rearing.
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