Thanks for asking DDD. As it turns out the judge did not even hear the case. Usually, the judge will hear the cases first that have children to appear. We were told that the judge was holding this case for the last one because it was going to get ugly and he wanted the courtroom cleared.
When my husband, grandson and I arrived, we almost immediately ran into our grandsons Guardian Ad Litem. He is also an attorney. He pulled us aside and asked our grandson who he wanted to live with. Our grandson said he wanted to stay with us. It was really pitiful to watch, our grandson had a lot of anxiety going on. He kept his head down and played with the buttons on his shirt. It really is criminal what all of this does to the children.
When we went into the courtroom, his CPS caseworker scooped him up, then the CASA worker came and took him outside and outside there was his mother and her entourage, his father and his common law wife, and his other grandparents. Our grandson spent almost all of his time outside with them. My husband and I stayed in the courtroom.
Right before our case was to be called, CPS, CASA, the county attorney, the Guardian Ad Litem, the parents, and attorneys for both sides went outside. We stayed inside. It was agreed upon by all parties that our grandson stay with us until school is out. This was a permanency hearing, so there was no need to go before the judge and we did not. We will go back before the judge on 5/22.
CASA wrote a very, very damning several page report on the father and his common law (pregnant again) wife. Needless to say they were QUITE upset! I wouldn't want to be them at all. It appears that the CASA worker is on them like a blood hound! She also had concerns regarding our difficult child, his mother, but nothing like for the dad.
I found out after the fact that the Guardian Ad Litem misspoke while outside about us. He told everybody that we were going to hire an attorney and would fight for full custody of our grandson. We did not say that at all! I had talked to him about getting legal visitation after all of this is said and done to monitor his safety. He told me that since we were not a party to this CPS stuff, we would need to hire our own attorney.
This is the fathers weekend for visitation. He allowed our difficult child to take her son to lunch so that she could spend some time with him. I didn't know who had our grandson and he just disappeared. Nobody even had him say goodbye to us.

I called our difficult child on her cellphone and to ask her who had our grandson. She didn't answer and has not called me back like I asked. I suspect she is quite angry because she thinks we are planning to fight for custody.
I just found out from my youngest daughter (a great communicator) that this morning while we were getting ready to go this morning, that she went into our grandsons bedroom and saw that he was throwing his tennis shoe's around his room and that he had ripped all the pictures off of his bedroom wall. I had taped pictures of his mother, father, little sister, me, his grandpa and of him, down low for him to look at. He loved looking at those pictures.

I wish I had known at the time. I would have helped him the best I could, poor little guy.
Last, but not least, his father is still one month behind on child support. He has tried telling everyone that I am mistaken and he is paid up. I keep excellent records and I shared this with everyone that needed to know. I also told them to tell the father that if he could produce my signature on a cancelled certified check for each month he was responsible for paying us child support, I would publicly recant my claim. Today in court, the father came to me and said he had a receipt for the certified check, but the bank couldn't find a signed by me cancelled check, so did I want him to go to the bank right now and bring back a certified check or would it be okay to just mail it? I told him that I would just wait in the courtroom for him to bring it back. He's played the "in the mail" trick on me before. He left "to go get a certified check", my husband and I waited, in fact we were THE LAST humans out of the courtroom, and guess what? The sleazeball never returned. Why go to the trouble of all that lying? If you're not going to pay, then just don't pay. I have zero respect for this guy.
And there was one more important part of this puzzle. Last night I learned that our difficult child that is engaged to be married, remember in June to her soldier fiance in Iraq, CHEATED ON HIM! The guy's mother is staying with our difficult child in the duplex that the fiance is paying for! She knows too! Talk about awkward! OMG! I don't think she'll ever learn.