So, the instability with-the medications for my kids continues - particularly difficult child 1 this time. She was doing fair on Risperdal and Concerta. Much better than before she started on those medications. But her anxiety and ADHD were not really under control. The raging meltdowns were gone, though. So after a few months, psychiatrist added in Zoloft. Some of you may remember that when the psychiatrist added Zoloft in for my difficult child 2, it was a complete disaster and he ended up on Risperdal when he'd been functioning fairly ok without it before the Zoloft trial. So, I'm not liking what I'm seeing in my difficult child 1 at the moment. I'm seeing her less able to control her anger. She's been having more issues again at school, although not nearly as bad as before we started the medications. I'm seeing her less able to see things rationally. I'm seeing more black and white viewpoints from her. In general, I'm very upset about where she's heading. I want to stop the Zoloft. We recently upped the Concerta because her ADHD was still far from under control. But that was just 2 days ago. It has nothing to do with-her recent backslide that's been happening for a few weeks -right around the time we upped the dosage of the Zoloft. I know it's the Zoloft that's messing her up. The psychiatrist wants me to wait to see if the increased Concerta doesn't help stabilize her more before stopping the Zoloft. I don't think I agree. Any thoughts? I'm going to try to reach the psychiatrist and our counsellor again. Should I go with-my intuition here and start decreasing the Zoloft? I HATE these medications. I HATE that my kids are going through this.