My 11.5 yr old is being charged with a felony assault


New Member
I think I read somewhere in all of this you are from Florida I to am from florida My children are in a special school that the state has set up for children with mental diagnosis's not sure if there is one in your area but you could ask the school district in your county. we don't pay anything extra for them attending and it has done away with 9 million calls a day about what the kids have done or are doing they are more able to deal with the behaviours there as well has have encourgeing rewards for good funds there transportation on a school bus with two adults they even are equiped with seat belts and straps if the children become unrully on the bus. Over all it has been a better placement for my children maybe something like this could help someone else to.


I have a 10 y/o very much like your son, and I can relate to being overwhelmed although I'd rather fantasize about hopping on a plane to no where then taking my life, just my preference. It does seem the system does not know how to treat or help kids like ours, they are at a loss just like we are except we love our kids, as mine is pounding on my door as I type, LOL

<<<HUGS>>> one day at a time, and make time for "you time" no matter how hard that may seem, even if it's a walk or a manicure or new CD


New Member
Hi Famiy:

I can not believe that they would in this society arrest an 11 year old for felonious anything :nonono:
The P-doctor is going to have his records. Get copies of everything else that has ever been done to try and get a diagnosis, etc.
The advocate is the best way to go. Call NAMI.Also and I know this is going to be expensive, find the best criminal lawyer you can afford!
There will be no turning back if they put an 11 year old in the Juvie system for this. He will be destroyed. I am so sorry!! :sad: This shouldn't be happening to you.
