My Granddaughter Was Sexually Assaulted - HELP


New Member
The police detective decided to get her a child advocate. Only problem is they are backed up and wont be able to see her until next Friday. Meanwhile next week is Fall break out here. She wont be returning to school until she has spoken with the detectives and child advocate. ACLU instructed my mother to keep her home so the school didn't question her until the detectives did.

My mom also got ahold of her disability worker. We are waiting for the detectives to question her before a counselor talks to her.
Thank goodness!

It is so horrible that this had to happen, but my heart feels a little bit lighter when I hear that the police and detectives are doing what they can for the child.

And I repeat, pfft to the school.

Busywend, I felt the same way. Just want to scoop her up. Give her all kinds of kisses and make her all better.


Roll With It
You all are handling this very well. Of course the principal is upset you called the police. They want to sweep it under the rug so they don't look bad.

Do everything possible to protect your child. Follow the advice of the child advocate. Also you may want to consider a civil suit against the SD, for negligence. Chances are this isn't hte 1st time the offender has done this.

I know hte devastation one of the girls in my daughter's kdg class went through when several boys trapped her in the coatroom and molested her. She was one of j's closest friends. These were all kindergarten children. 5 boys collaborated to get teacher and aide busy so 3 of them could go after this girl.

Be super supportive of your sweetheart. make sure she sees a counsellor. You might even check into Victim's Services in your area. Not sure what every area calls them.




New Member
I am so glad everything is going the way it is with the police, etc. Oh well for the school, they WONT handle it correctly - they try to hide stuff like that from the public - you would be SURPRISED at what actually happens in a school! Really!


New Member
Two weeks ago a school counselor hit my son. I am still waiting on those results. The school said they need to bring an expert that knows the laws and finish the questioning.

Very disturbing that even the officer that came out said the schools here were disapointing and try and hide things.


New Member
UPDATE!! My niece spoke with the county attorney advocacy center counselor this morning. They said they believe her and from the interview they could tell she wasn't mentally capable of making this up. Now we wait until Monday for them to find the boy, unfortunately if he is around her age there isn't much they can do to him. I just pray he hasn't learned this behavior from somebody doing similar things to him.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
I'm so sorry this happened. And I think you did a wonderful job handling it.

There is one thing they can do, and that is keep him AWAY from HER. And hopefully convince the parents that this boy needs to be evaled and probably treated, if that process isn't already going on.



Active Member
I do hope they can thoroughly investigate and help this boy, too. From my experience, the boy needs to learn that it is NOT OK to do this, and it is also NOT OK to have it done to you. If he is acting out what is or has been done to him, then I hope they get to the bottom of it, fast. For his sake, difficult child's sake and everyone else.
