Hound dog
Nana's are Beautiful

I didn't go nuts or anything. I still had all the decor from last year, I just topped it off with a few "finds" this year that make an improvement. I suspect I'll be doing this every year from now on. lol The camera is ready..........so I hope to get a lot of pics, especially of some of the decor/food. Nichole and I took great pains to find spooky recipes. We didn't go overboard because we weren't planning a meal but rather party nibbles that weren't all sweets. Party nibbles that are ghoulish. lol
This year was Darrin's turn to help Nana decorate. He got to help me with the bloody man that will greet them at the front door........scary dude with a sword in his gut and blood everywhere, including a blood trail leading up to the porch. He also got to help with the cemetery, or rather part of it..........arranging the bones of the skeletons. But the "surprise" is the tombstones that were added later than come with ghoulish lights and sound effects. The rest........well, now, Nana has got to keep some mystery. lol
Nana's hutch is transforming this morning into an evil laboratory cabinet with beakers filled with icky substances that contain severed fingers, eyeballs, and ears.......... Larger containers with body organs such as the heart, liver, ect. Next year I"m going to figure out how to make at least some of these substances safely "boil" and bubble.
The menu consists of severed fingers, bones, ants on a log, pumpkins, spider webs, and monster eyeballs, with a grave yard cake as dessert.
Games are as follows: pumpkin bowling, apple bobbing, eyeball drop, and pin the nose on the skull, and Touch and Tell. The egg toss, sadly, had to be nixed due to weather. I'm hoping the same thing won't happen to the apple bobbing.
Main activity: pumpkin carving/decorating.
The little devils will be arriving at 2pm

**added note** Once again, Katie's kids are missing out on the fun. But it's not like we didn't try to convince her to come.

I didn't go nuts or anything. I still had all the decor from last year, I just topped it off with a few "finds" this year that make an improvement. I suspect I'll be doing this every year from now on. lol The camera is ready..........so I hope to get a lot of pics, especially of some of the decor/food. Nichole and I took great pains to find spooky recipes. We didn't go overboard because we weren't planning a meal but rather party nibbles that weren't all sweets. Party nibbles that are ghoulish. lol
This year was Darrin's turn to help Nana decorate. He got to help me with the bloody man that will greet them at the front door........scary dude with a sword in his gut and blood everywhere, including a blood trail leading up to the porch. He also got to help with the cemetery, or rather part of it..........arranging the bones of the skeletons. But the "surprise" is the tombstones that were added later than come with ghoulish lights and sound effects. The rest........well, now, Nana has got to keep some mystery. lol
Nana's hutch is transforming this morning into an evil laboratory cabinet with beakers filled with icky substances that contain severed fingers, eyeballs, and ears.......... Larger containers with body organs such as the heart, liver, ect. Next year I"m going to figure out how to make at least some of these substances safely "boil" and bubble.
The menu consists of severed fingers, bones, ants on a log, pumpkins, spider webs, and monster eyeballs, with a grave yard cake as dessert.

Games are as follows: pumpkin bowling, apple bobbing, eyeball drop, and pin the nose on the skull, and Touch and Tell. The egg toss, sadly, had to be nixed due to weather. I'm hoping the same thing won't happen to the apple bobbing.
Main activity: pumpkin carving/decorating.
The little devils will be arriving at 2pm

**added note** Once again, Katie's kids are missing out on the fun. But it's not like we didn't try to convince her to come.