need alternate discipline options at school!

Hi heres my problem my son is 8 and is in the 2nd grade. we did an AEP. now we need alternate discipline options the principal in no longer willing to spank my son because he dont feel comfortable, because my hsuband made a few comments because he would not let someone in the room as he was spanking. So my husband said no. yes there is someone in the room like asst. principal. We dont like ISS in school suspension his grades drop. and he is not being tought, and no activity for an active child. I suggested to have my son walk the playground therefore not allowed to play but still being discipline. They said no it is considered physical punishment. So we have no other options of discipline. This is our first year at this school and do not plan on staying, but we need something to get us through. My son has a lot of anger issues and is hurting others at school like pushing or fighting. But he has told his coucelor that the kids are picking on him. The principal said whatever we do discipline wise it has to be fair for everyone else. which is not correct. Any suggestions would be nice thank-you


Does your child's IEP address behavior? If not, a FBA may be in order. There is some FBA info in the Sp Ed Archives. There's other behavior info in the Archives also. Discipline for Children With Disabilities by OSEP may be a good place to start.

Your sd is aware of the requirements of IDEA/IEP law pertinent to behavior. It doesn't have to do with being fair to other students -- it has everything to do with addressing the unique needs of the IEP student.