So my son who lives in another state seemed to be doing well. Although he never follows recommendations and does it his way, he seemed to be doing well at work and having good decision making... Well, so much for that. I have not seen my son since Dec. and today he facetimed me... it was horrifying. He says he relapsed and missed work a few days. Was trying to go in today and was running late so got an electric scooter and crashed it because he was intoxicated. His face looks more like he was in a fight. Eye is swollen, nose is swollen, blood just awful.
I didn't know what to say and I am not sympathetic anymore so I am numb. He didn't like when I said he should go to urgent care and get looked over. He lashed out saying he didn't have money for that and owes how much in medical bills (he went to the er at least 5 times in the past 9 months due to drinking) I refuse to pay those deductibles. I said well then get yourself together and go to work on Monday. He told me that he doesn't even know why he called because I always make him feel like

. I found out his new relationship went south. She told him she wants nothing to do with him... He told my husband she wanted him to try acid so not sure what else they did . I am glad she is gone but he has issues. Everytime he relapsed it was over a girl and a relationship. I reminded him that in recovery there should be no relationships and well that went over well. He said he only feels whole if he has a girl in his life.
He needs prayers. I need prayers. I need to stay strong. I don't know what God's plan is for him. I just know I am tired of this roller coaster. Really thought he was getting his life together esp after he received a nice review at his job and an incentive. Just so sad right now.