I have come to terms with the fact that I am 100% powerless. I have begged, pleaded, offered help, etc. I don't know what it is going to take. Sadly, I got tired of her not making a doctor's appointment, I made one for her in her town!! Took me two minutes. I let her know she has an appointment next Tuesday at 1pm and where. I even told her I would take her there myself if she needed me to. At this point, she needs to make sure that baby is healthy.
And if God really answers prayers, she will be further along than she thought and he will be OUT of the picture.
I think she would be better off being a single parent than having ties to that POS for the rest of her life. I think he is abusive. And though she plays it off like she is, too and how she hits him, too.
No excuse. I would dance the happiest dance ever if he disappeared from the planet. I honestly wish something really bad happened to this man. I honestly think he is the reason she won't go back to rehab. She considers it when she feels she has no other options but then she hangs on because of him.
There is nothing I can do. Nothing. I have realized that I am totally and completely powerless.