I too agree that you should have received an extensive report through the evaluation you had done. At the school level I would start by requesting an evaluation for your difficult child. Since you already have an IEP in place this should be able to be done without much red tape.
"His behavior is a huge concern at school. He gets frequent discipline referrals for defiance, refusing to listen to teachers, purposely disrupting class, and general disobedience (as they put it). Twice he has physically acted out to the point the incident was labeled an "assault" on teachers. The police were called last year for the second incident (which occurred on the last day of school) because teachers could not bring difficult child under control before we got there."
I would use this to get the ball rolling...if his behavior in the classroom is affecting his learning/education and the education of those around him then school has a legal obligation to put supports into place to help this child. The fact that you already have an IEP gives you a legal footing for this. I would first request an IEP meeting (you can do this at any time) and at the meeting request that the SD has your difficult child evaluated. Good luck!
I too agree that you should have received an extensive report through the evaluation you had done. At the school level I would start by requesting an evaluation for your difficult child. Since you already have an IEP in place this should be able to be done without much red tape.
"His behavior is a huge concern at school. He gets frequent discipline referrals for defiance, refusing to listen to teachers, purposely disrupting class, and general disobedience (as they put it). Twice he has physically acted out to the point the incident was labeled an "assault" on teachers. The police were called last year for the second incident (which occurred on the last day of school) because teachers could not bring difficult child under control before we got there."
I would use this to get the ball rolling...if his behavior in the classroom is affecting his learning/education and the education of those around him then school has a legal obligation to put supports into place to help this child. The fact that you already have an IEP gives you a legal footing for this. I would first request an IEP meeting (you can do this at any time) and at the meeting request that the SD has your difficult child evaluated. Good luck!