The moment he walks out the school doors he's ready to do battle. Anybody else have this situation?
If you had ANY idea how common this is... you wouldn't be asking!
Just from our own experience - plus observation of others...
Most commonly, the child will either have additional hidden disorders/disabilities.
So, how do they handle school, then? It takes 200% of whatever they have in them, to try and make school "work". But they don't want to look bad in the eyes of their peers, so they push themselves beyond reason. Teachers do not see the effort, they only see the results. And then... he comes in the door at the end of the day, and he still has "half a day" left... but his mental, physical, emotional tanks are
empty. He has nothing left to cope with ANYTHING.
For example?
You don't mention anything about motor skills, but even if this isn't obviously a problem, subtle fine motor skills issues can sabotage school really fast. So much time and effort in the early grades is... fine motor skills. Given that 50% of kids with ADHD also have Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)... there's a fair chance that motor skills MAY be part of the problem. If he hasn't had a detailed Occupational Therapist (OT) evaluation for motor skills and sensory integration... he needs it. Occupational Therapist (OT) cannot diagnosis Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) (or anything else for that matter), so you may not end up with the diagnosis, but the Occupational Therapist (OT) has therapies that help, and the Occupational Therapist (OT) report can be part of the picture in getting appropriate help (accommodations and intervantions) at school.
Example 2:
There is an interesting overlap between ADHD and APDs. They produce extremely similar symptoms... the inattention, restlessness, not paying attention to detail, and so on... BUT... auditory processing disorders (there are several) mean that the kid is not "getting the message". It could be language processing (making sense of spoken language), but it could be something more subtle like "auditory figure ground", where the person hears normally, and processes language normally, but cannot filter out background noise... so, one-on-one is fantastic, but gets totally lost in the average (i.e. noisy) classroom. The amount of mental effort required to just make out what the words are that are being spoken, is so huge that it can become difficult to actually process what is being said. If you can't follow what is going in, its really hard to sit still, pay attention, etc. Now, to complicate things... its not unusual for APDs to be comorbid with ADHD...! There are interventions and accommodations that help a LOT with this.
That ODD diagnosis? I'm another one that treats it like a "placeholder". If they don't have any other answers, at least it acknowledges the problem. But it offers NO help, no guidance, no understanding.
I think you need to dig deeper.
by the way - how noisy is your home? TV/radio on all the time? noisy computer games going on? If Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) is part of his problem, the home atmosphere could be a contributing factor.