
Well-Known Member
I thought I was going to do a better job than my parents because I have always been there for my kids & have devoted my life to taking care of them & listening to them. I guess I was wrong.

What you wrote here jumped off the computer screen at me. I, too, have a family history of drug and alcohol. Not me, but my Dad, grandfather, uncles. Same with husband. I was so determined that my children were going to grow up happy and healthy because I was going to devote my life to raising them with security and love.

I did do that, but genetic forces beyond my control gave me difficult children. After the devastation of realizing my children, inspite of my best efforts, need a lot more than just a good upbringing. That's when I went into action try and help them to the best of my ability. There's been many, many bumps in the road. And there's times when I simply want to throw in the towel and run away. When that passes, I pick myself up, and trudge on doing everything I can to help them.

It's not my fault and it's not your fault. This is a great place for support and guidance. I shutter to think where my family would be if I hadn't found it.


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard. Glad you founds us. Sorry you had to.

Please read through the Teen and S.A. Forum. You will find differing opinions as each family has to chart its own course
but it may be eye-opening. Some of us deeply regret using the
juvie system (although not all) and most of us strongly advocate
for private interventions so you don't lose control as a family.

Sending gentle hugs and a prayer or two your way. DDD


New Member
Welcome Stacy.... glad you found this board... there is a wealth of knowledge and many many lifetimes of experience....