I am a single mother, with a 17 year old difficult child. Been diagnosed with ADHD for years and Conduct Disorder. Now off of all medication. Failing school and quesionable if he will gradeuate HS. Slams doors, spews obscenities at me constatly, I have to lock up anything I don't want stolen - PHD also said to put a lock on my bedroom door "just in case" so I have done that. Has two court cases pending for Assault and Indecent exposure as well as a very large speeding court case. I have tried everything I know of to do for him therapy for years and nothing has done anygood. I feel like I'm in hell and then I feel like I'm the only one in his corner so I need to stay in his hell corner.
Now that he is off of all Medication I have started taken Effexor in order to Function in this crazyness. Any pointers for me. I have a good job that I thank god for - it allows for about 9 hours of escape from this daily.
Now that he is off of all Medication I have started taken Effexor in order to Function in this crazyness. Any pointers for me. I have a good job that I thank god for - it allows for about 9 hours of escape from this daily.