Thanks, All. New phone activated. Apparently, difficult child closed out the joint account he and I had (which is good, because I was going to close it out myself). I'm getting written confirmation from the bank. That's pretty much the last "string" other than the health insurance. Star, I know you're right about his possibly coming back here once he and his father fall out again (not "if" but "when"). That idea really bothers me, honestly, but I'm not prepared to move out of my apartment and completely disrupt my life. I know I'm going to have to deal with it once it happens, and my concern is not so much that I will cave and let him back in, but that I will be so resentful that I have to deal with this BS at all that I will say something that I regret. I used to be the more sympathetic parent, and now, unfortunately, my wall has been triggered and I am the angry, unbending harda$$.
Yesterday, I was cleaning some of my walls with a magic eraser while my relatively new boyfriend painted the dining room wall that difficult child marked up. One of the things I cleaned off was the hight marks showing how much difficult child grew in the 3 years we'd been living in the apartment. boyfriend was kind of shocked that I was able to erase them and not get upset about it. I hope difficult child and I can have a relationship again when he is back in his right mind, but at this point I am not sentimental about him. I want to find my life again, and have been systematically clearing all traces of difficult child out of my home. I feel like I should be sadder, or clinging more, but I really am just so tired of all of it that I want to spend some time in a difficult child-free environment. Does that make any sense? Am I a complete jerk for wanting that and feeling this way?