Not much of an update update


Well-Known Member
So sorry about your dtr PG.

So thrilled about your rings! I never got a ring since we never got married but over the years I have told Tony that on our 25th anniversary I wanted one of those Forever rings. You know, the ones with the three diamonds in them for Past, Present and Future. I told him when we hit 20. I didnt get it. I was so upset. It wasnt like I was asking for a really expensive one either, just one that would cost maybe a grand all total. In 5 years he could manage to put it on layaway and pay for it. His answer was well if he did that for me I should buy him a boat! No, it doesnt work like that. I have whined about this so much that about 9 months ago Witz sent me a piece of costume jewelry she got while waiting to get her real ring that looks just like what I wanted only it is even bigger than what I would have expected from him! I wear it everywhere and when people comment on it and ask who gave it to me or say something about Tony finally coming through...I say Oh No, a friend of mine gave it to I dont tell them it is fake. I have people believing it is real and that Tony should be worried to death because not long before that someone sent me flowers and then I got this ring. I must really have some admirer's on this board....lmao.


Thank you everyone!! I did tell husband how guilty I was feeling the other day and he reminded me that he was the one that picked it out and that I do absolutely do deserve it. Gosh, I love that man. Still waiting for the ring to come back in, though. Everytime I hear an email I get excited only to see that it is not my Woudl love it in time for my company Christmas party this Friday night!! Speaking of which, husband got us a room at the Intercontinental and we are making a full night out of it downtown. :)

I am trying very hard to detach from difficult child. I only checked the phone records twice this weekend and of course, she is always on the phone at all hours. She complains she has been really sick and I remind her that she is not taking care of herself, so it will be very hard to get any better. She sent me a picture yesterday looking decent with make up on. I guess to make me feel better. It doesn't...