not so fun night...


Well-Known Member
Food found in room = you have to eat ALL food OUTSIDE the house. And no it doesn't matter if it's 2 in the morning, if you're hungry, go eat it OUTSIDE.

(try that at -20C... but we keep the picnic table set up, so it is a realistic threat... admittedly, less punative when it's the middle of summer, although... those nasty wasps help too)


Roll With It
I like the outside eating rule. I used to go bonkers with husband because for years he would keep answering when Wiz was in the circular argument thing. I finally told husband he could either stop contributing to the problem or he could share a room wtih Wiz because I wanted an adult for a spouse, not a child who argued just to argue. Oddly, husband seemed to honestly think he was reasoning with Wiz and that by the end Wiz was accepting what husband said. Except while husband is a quick thinker, Wiz was faster and husband doesn't have many manipulative bones in his body, where all of Wiz' bones are manipulative. So their circular garbage usually ended with husband agreeing to at least most of whatever it was, and then I would step in and say "no. Not this time. Not next time. not ever. " and walk away. At one point husband agreed to spend several hundred dollars for some online thing that wiz wanted. Wiz not only hadn't earned it, it was mostly porn and in NO way okay for my fourteen yo child. But husband didn't even look at it before the argument, and for a while husband thought I was being "mean" by not allowing him to let Wiz have it. The fact that we couldn't afford it didn't matter to EITHER of them, grrrrrrr.

Once husband saw what it really was? He blushed scarlet (he rarely blushes but this was truly hardcore and bizarre) and told Wiz that from then on, it didn't matter what Wiz bamboozled him with, if I didn't approve it wasn't happening.


New Member
Oh GEEZ. I truly hate the circular arguing. I am much better at saying "I am disengaging from this conversation" and walking away. It used to bother me when he would amp it up and scream at me that I was ignoring him and I would feel the need to re-engage and say calmly "no, etc". Now I just keep walking and close my door. In the end it does not matter what I or husband say when he gets like that - unless he hears what he WANTS to hear it will never end. And he is not going to hear it.

My husband is and has always been better at it then me. He can pick out points of inconsistency in the argument and try to intelligently discuss something for awhile, but he is good at knowing when it turns and disengaging.


Well-Known Member
Ironically, I don't have much problem with FOOD in rooms... just dishes. And that's mostly almost-easy child, not difficult child!