She just called and asked if I was still angry with her. I asked her if I had a reason not to be and she told me that I don't even know what she is taking. She read off the requirements of this "Level 2" treatment - it is the Family Treatment Court program, but does not include residential rehab??!! She needs to go to so many meetings per week, group sessions, counseling, blah blah blah. Tested a "minimum" of twice a month. Oh really - twice per month?? Well that practically guarantees that she will stay clean, doesn't it?? UGH. We got into an argument. I told her I had zero faith that she could stay clean without rehab after she is released. She was appalled I could even think such a thing! Really??? Because wow, she is pregnant!! I told her that didn't stop her the first four months!! She said she had stopped shooting it and don't I know how hard it is to stop shooting?? Oh, yeah, she smoked it instead. Oh my, of course, that is much better. Seriously??? THIS is how she thinks??? I told her it does not matter - you USED - ANY use is horrible!!!! Then her excuse was she didn't know she wanted the baby then but she does now. I swear - pure stupidity. She then has the gall to ask me to contact her "old man" and ask him to put money on the account so she could talk to someone that doesn't stress her out. I told her I am not doing a thing. He knows when there is no money on the phone account - they TELL you!
Well, miss difficult child is in for a huge wake up call. I emailed the courts to ask what "level 2" meant. She said just because she "rated" at level 2, does not mean she does not attend residential...difficult child just doesn't know that, yet. She told me her case will be staffed next week and that is when they will spell out the requirements - they are recommending residential...