Thank you for sending me something in writing as the law requires. I have looked over the Parole
Supervision Plan you sent me today via email and have some questions and comments as listed
1) Is the counselor being provided a licensed mental health professional qualified to provide
mental health counseling as recommended by difficult child's mental health therapist at 'Department of Juvenile Justice facility'?
2) Will you be conducting a new Mental Health Transition Plan meeting and forming a new plan in
accordance with Chapter ### of the State Administrative Code
3) Please define, in terms of measurable goals, how often difficult child is to have supervision contacts
by each specific person, what the measurable requirements are that you will be using to
determine an increase in difficult child's level of understanding about his behaviors having a negative
impact on the community, problem solving/decision making skills, and my parental support,
whatever particular life skills training you are requiring and how that will be measured, what the
criteria is for the substance abuse relapse prevention (how, how often, by what provider), what
the specific requirements are for family counseling in order for you and us to determine
compliance requirements. (Typically, a PO doesn't include things like understanding, skills, and
emotional support in a supervision plan so it's not clear to me how to determine if we'd be in
compliance or not. If you can't define requirements, please remove them.)
4) You agreed at our last face-to-face meeting that requiring an additional anger management
course would not be necessary because the objective was for difficult child to receive follow-up to the
anger management course he just successfully completed at Bon Air, per his treatment team's
recommendations, not to go thru an entirely new type of program; please remove that from the
requirements and provide an in-home professional who can address this or allow this to be
addressed in private counseling, as we agreed to at our last meeting
5) You have listed difficult child's projected release from the detention reentry program as May 16, 2012,
but you lead us both to believe he could be out earlier than that and you wrote 'on or before
May 16, 2012' in the Placement section; since May 16, 2012, was difficult child's late release date
from direct care and he was motivated to earn his way out of direct care earlier than that and
did so with their approval for release but still wasn't released from direct care, could you please
clarify in writing the following things:
a. Is there actually any way he can be released from incarceration back into my custody earlier than
May 16, 2012, so he can have a smoother transition into a DOE school in 'public' before it is so
close to the end of the semester, thereby only being able to obtain two credits at most this semester?
(They have him taking art and PE at the detention center and he has already earned credits for those
and cannot earn more for them. If they change his schedule around, he will not be able to earn any
credits. Also, I would like for difficult child to work when school is out of session for the summer and this
would make it difficult to find summer employment at that late date.)
b. If there a way is for him to be released from the detention reentry program prior to May 16, 2012,
what is the criteria in measurable goals? I understand there are objectives somewhere, but we don't
know what they are or what is expected of us to meet them in terms of measurable goals in order for
us to know if we are meeting compliance requirements or not; for example, requiring good behavior at
the detention center for 3 weeks and meeting with counselor you are providing 1 time per week for 1
month, in order to be released. State law ### requires every provider of residential
services that is overseen by the Department of Juvenile Justice to provide the criteria for residents to
complete the program and conditions under which they may be discharged before completing the
program, in writing, to both the resident and the legal guardian. You keep pointing out that this is a 30
to 90 day program, however everything I read leads me to believe it's 30 to 60 days, and Mr. G at
xxx Juvenile Services informed me that you are to provide the criteria because they currently
are acting under a Memorandum of Agreement for housing the juvenile only. difficult child and I would like to
see in writing what the criteria is, in measurable goals, for release from detention reentry in 30 days,
as state law requires. Additionally, we are supposed to be informed of policies and criteria regarding
such things as day and weekend passes and measurable goals in order for difficult child to earn them. When
will we get this in writing?
c. If there is no means to get your and Department of Juvenile Justice's team approval for release prior to difficult child's late release date,
then why were you leading us to believe he could? Could you explain to us why, if you are
writing the criteria for a 30 to 60 or 30 to 90 day detention reentry program, you are not writing
criteria and working toward a plan that would be possible to complete in 30 days and why were
you telling me his release date would "depend on how he does"?
d. What is the motivator to do any requirements outside of those typically expected while in direct
care if you won't recommend release prior to his late release date anyway?
6) Doesn't the Level 4 supervision level have to be either mandatory or discretionary, and if it's
discretionary doesn't it require proper approval?
7) Why does your plan seem to focus so much on changing the way I'm managing my son when
difficult child has been incarcerated and only been in my custody a combined total of approximately 6
weeks in the past three years (since he turned 14yo), there are mental health documents
stating the problems that indicate issues other than inappropriate parenting, you are not
aware of how things transpired when difficult child was released from Department of Juvenile Justice the first time because you
declined when I suggested that you talk with the parole officer from abc County, instead
of just focusing on the recommendations from difficult child's treatment team at 'Department of Juvenile Justice facility' and the
previous mental health professionals who evaluated and treated difficult child?
I'm sure you are aware that the role and responsibilities of a parole officer are not the same as those
of a parent and while our overall objectives might be the same, until appropriate measurable goals are
written and conveyed to us, I don't know how anyone could be expected to meet them.