RN. I am reading again a lot of your thread because I am coming up against a decision about my son. M is so despairing. He has taken over the micro-managing of my son, the holding him accountable. And he is exhausted from it. My son seems to be benefiting not at all from this support, which does not of course feel like support to him. Rather he finds it onerous and is trying to shake it off.
My son seems to be angling to M to begin again to work for him, as a means to not pay rent. He did not say so explicitly but that seems to be his idea.
We stopped allowing him to help us, as he uses this as a pretext to do nothing for himself. And still, with nothing to do, he still does not do anything. It all looks like a sham. Or just doing one thing, 10 minutes a day, of busywork to look busy.
So this month he did not have money to pay us the rent, for this reason and that and to get us to leave him alone told me he would pay me $500 when he gets his check. (The end of the month.) This is only words. We know him. Now he is hinting he will leave the area (again). We will let the chips fall where they may.
I have taken the stand for almost all of this whole year that I would give him the support to change. He has gained more control over his emotions, but in things that are central to us: constructive acts, no marijuana, we have no sway over him at all. And it seems we cannot prevail even that he pay a nominal rent. Which is my bottom, bottom line. If he does not pay rent, I am subsidizing marijuana. If I kick him out...he is homeless...and he will stop the medication.
Honestly. I am thinking of just letting him be. I am embarrassed to say it. I am ashamed of myself. Letting him negotiate a price with me that he is willing to pay for the apartment (if he is willing to pay) and letting him stay there and smoke up his SSI. And just not speaking to him or seeing him and keeping him away from me and my house entirely.
That if this saves my life, it is worth it. Let him handle his own. He would have the stability to take his medication. He would be safe off the street. And I would have my boundaries. I would have disabused myself of the idea that there is anything at all I can do that will influence him to live better. Because I think now, M, is through. I think like your husband, RN, M understands now that this road leads nowhere.
RN. I think you have the right idea here. I am trying to think through what my version of your plan would be. Thank you for space on your thread (*OK. I hijacked it) to do so.