Please, Higher Being, tell me...


New Member
Remember, calling 911 does not have to be for police and crime. You can call 911 for a medical emergency or out of control psychiatric difficulties or even possible medication reaction.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's very possible that he felt the change in our routine, although I tried to keep it exactly the same just without his dad for two days. Arg...! As hard as we try to keep things status quo, it isn't always possible.

Is Abilify fast-acting? I thought it was alot like Lithium in that it wouldn't do much at all on a one time basis or so. Hmmm.

Unfortunately, we live in Houston and I'm going to have to call the therapist in a minute and cancel the appointment. We've had flooding rains and we can't get out of the subdivision. We had 4 1/2 inches of rain in an hour! The manhole covers were even bubbling because the undergroud drains couldn't handle the water. At the grocery I frequent the roof collapsed and injured one person severely and one died. Scary! All this thanks to tropical storm Erin. NOW we wait for next week and see what Hurricane Dean is going to do. *Gotta pay to live in paradise.*


Active Member
rages are like a big wave coming out at you, you have to put your head down and ride it out. Let it not throw you or your son off track , but get back on track and look at the big picture of your son's progress. It is great that you are working together with him and he is being part of the solution ' He told me this morning that he gets really angry and he can't stop himself. I asked if he could feel it coming on and he said, "Yes.". So we're going to figure what we can do to help diffuse it the next time.



Well-Known Member
Allan, we went to his medication doctor yesterday and she said the same thing. I asked her what I can do and she said like you, you have to wait it out and just keep everyone safe. It was awful and I wanted to cry just telling her about it. She told us to get a blood draw and let's make sure his level is what it should be and if it is, then we'll do nothing for now and see if it happens again. If it does happen, she wants to add Geodon back with the Lithium. Although Geodon alone didn't seem to have any effect on him, if it were paired with his Lithium it may do the trick.

When we talked about what happened, neither of us could come up with whatever the trigger was. I had hoped that talking about it so soon afterwards with difficult child that perhaps he could tell me. Then again, maybe it was just nothing.....the nature of whatever it is that's wrong. (None of his doctors will call it Bipolar.)


Well-Known Member
Oh, no, Pamela, I'm so sorry about the flooding! And just when you really needed that appointment the most! I am so sorry.
Hang on.


I have been in your place, and the 911 pill was a tough one for me to swallow, Once difficult child II was finally hospitalized for this type behavior they made him worse. <<<HUGS>>> I would definatley pursue the medications with his Dr.